dnaber-de / Git-Automated-Mirror

CLI Script to mirror git repositories.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Notices in the Git Client

dnaber-de opened this issue · comments

PHP Notice:  Undefined index: current in /home/naber/php/git-automated-mirror/vendor/kzykhys/git/src/PHPGit/Command/BranchCommand.php on line 69
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: name in /home/naber/php/git-automated-mirror/vendor/kzykhys/git/src/PHPGit/Command/BranchCommand.php on line 70
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: alias in /home/naber/php/git-automated-mirror/vendor/kzykhys/git/src/PHPGit/Command/BranchCommand.php on line 76
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: name in /home/naber/php/git-automated-mirror/vendor/kzykhys/git/src/PHPGit/Command/BranchCommand.php on line 79

Occurred with the fix for #2 when looking for an existing branch.

It's an issue of the git package: kzykhys/PHPGit#4
When you try to get branches, but the repo is not on any branch yet, the regular expression fails.