dmtrKovalenko / odiff

The fastest pixel-by-pixel image visual difference tool in the world.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reduce size of npm package

eWert-Online opened this issue · comments

I recently investigated why the size of the package is that big and found out, that we include a lot of unnecessary stuff.
It also seems like esy includes the RunTests.exe in the release build.

Things that can be removed from the package:

  • odiff-Linux-xxx.tar.gz
  • odiff-MacOS-xxx.tar.gz
  • odiff-Windows_x64-xxx.tar.gz
  • RunTests.exe

I am not publishing them on npm I left them to publish as assets to GitHub release (I know one team that are using raw binaries to run odiff)

Ah I see! But the RunTests.exe is something which could be removed, right?

Is it there?

Yes, in the bin folder after you install it.
So it seems to be packaged by esy

Bildschirmfoto 2021-07-01 um 13 19 58

Hmmm it is weird, I thought "includePackages": [ "odiff" ] should do the trick but yeah we should not add this to the binary