dmroeder / pylogix

Read/Write data from Allen Bradley Compact/Control Logix PLC's

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"Forward open failed" when trying to read tags from Berghof PLC

brunifrancesco opened this issue · comments

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Type of issue

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Description of issue

This is not a real issue. This is more a question. I'm new in this field.
I'm unable to read any tags but I'm able to discover devices given the IP.
I always got a Forward open failed error.

PLC is Berghof brand.

Expected behavior

I'm expecting to read them by name but I'm not sure this feature is supported in my PLC.
I check the names as in the screenshot attached. They're correct.
Slot is 0, checked in the machine conf.

Actual behavior

I got always Forward open failed error for each tag.


  for index,tag in enumerate(tags.split("\n")):
      with PLC() as comm:
          comm.IPAddress = ''
          ret = comm.Read(tag)
          print(ret.TagName, ret.Value, ret.Status)

That's the sample output

Recipe_Name None Forward open failed

where Recipe_Name is a tag name


WhatsApp Image 2022-12-17 at 11 52 05


Include versions to

  • pylogix: 0.8.6
  • python: 3.10.6
  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04

Any idea why this is happening? Can I try to read using memory addresses instead of names?

Forgive me If I wrote some errors, I'm newbie here.
Best, FB

This is for Rockwell PLC's only.

Oh, that's interesting.
Any suggestion to make it working with Berghof?
Any other library you can think of?

Unfortunately, I don't know anything about that brand or module.

Ok, it would be too much complex try to write a simple driver? I can see it by myself but I need your help for sure.
Actually your discover function works, so I deduce that part of your code is still usable.

There is a minimum amount of features a that an Ethernet I/P compliant device must support, List Identity (Discover) is one of them. So every Ethernet I/P device will respond to that. Communicating with it in the specific way that it is expecting is a very different thing.

My best advice is get a sharktap or a port mirroring switch and wireshark the connection and traffic. If your next post is going to be "I don't know how to use wireshark", you have a lot of work ahead of you to write a "simple" driver. Knowing now to use wireshark is a must. And don't wireshark what pylogix is trying to do, wireshark a device that is currently successfully communicating with that device.

You've been crystal. I've used Wireshark in the past, I know it.
Thanks for your time.

If you find anything interesting in wireshark, you can email me. My address is in the setup file.