dmotz / oriDomi

🪭 Fold up DOM elements like paper

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sometimes refreshing impairs folding

mcade opened this issue · comments

total newbie.

sometimes the oridomi effect works perfect upon 1st loading. if i refresh the page though, all of a sudden the handle to fold the image doesn't appear when mousing over parts of the image, but only around the edges. if i refresh a few more times it seems to work perfect again and the handle appears anytime i mouseover any of the area of the image.

i'm confused why it would work sometimes but then doesn't work.

Yeah I've noticed the same issue. Seems to only happen in Chrome and seems to happen at random.

I believe it has to do with 3D context because the issue only occurs with panels that are "below" the surface of the body on the z axis.

I'm not sure if a bug ticket exists for this behavior on Chrome because I'm not exactly sure how to describe it.

Looks like this is the relevant Chrome ticket:

yup that's exactly the same issue, thanks for pointing that out. hope they get it ironed out soon