dmotz / oriDomi

🪭 Fold up DOM elements like paper

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Compatibility with browsers

ytsekalo opened this issue · comments

I tried the application in diferent browsers and here are the results:

Google Chrome v. 28.0.1500.95 m:
Works perfect.

Firefox version: 22:
Works perfect

Firefox v. 8:
Doesn't work (visualizes all the page, but don't allows to modify the objects)

Opera v. 12.15:
Doesn't work (the same that in Firefox 8)

Internet Explorer v. 10:
Works parcialy (Visualizes all the page, allows to modify the objects, but not totaly)

Internet Explorer v. 9:
Doesn't work

Screenshots for IE 10:







That is all.

Thanks for looking at this, appreciate it.

oriDomi should work fine in any browser that fully supports 3D CSS transforms. Unfortunately, the newer IEs only partially support it, lacking the preserve-3d transform style, which is why everything looks flat in your screenshots.

Hopefully IE11 will support it. Until then there's not much to do, so I'll close this issue.