dmnsgn / snowdev

Zero configuration, unbundled, opinionated development and prototyping server for simple ES modules development: types generation, format and linting, dev server and TypeScript support.

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Zero configuration, unbundled, opinionated, development and prototyping server for simple ES modules development: types generation, format and linting, dev server and TypeScript support.

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npm install -g snowdev


  • No configuration needed (but still possible via cosmiconfig)
  • Spiritual successor to budō

Develop packages

  • Initialise a common structure for all your packages
  • Optionally use TypeScript with sensible defaults
  • Generate TypeScript types automatically (via JSDoc for JS only packages or using src/**.ts files)
  • Generate API documentation automatically (via JSDoc for JS only packages and inserted in README or via typedoc in a docs folder for TypeScript packages)
  • Prettier formatter and ESLint linter on build
  • Keep package.json keys sorted for consistency

Write examples

  • Simple Browsersync dev server to watch and reload on changes with HMR (Hot Module Replacement) support via similar to Vite
  • Write examples using standard ES Modules directly with import-map. See template/index.html.
  • Build examples dependencies using browserlist with targets defaults and supports es6-module to publish as GitHub pages with decent browser support.
  • Choose which dependencies to convert to ESM (devDependencies, dependencies or hardcoded list)


  • Write commits using the Conventional Commits Specification
  • Release with StandardVersion to bump the version based on the commits (patch/minor/major = fix/feat/BREAKING CHANGE), generate CHANGELOG release, create a new commit with git tag


# Create folder
mkdir ~/Projects/package-name
cd ~/Projects/package-name

# Generate folder structure (entry: index.js)
npx snowdev init
# ...optionally use a TypeScript structure (entry: src/index.ts)
npx snowdev init --ts
# ...optionally passing your GitHub username if different from `npm whoami`
npx snowdev init --ts --gitHubUsername YourUsername

# Start a dev server and compile dependencies to ESM in web_modules
npx snowdev dev
# ...optionally passing options to browser-sync
npx snowdev dev --port 8080
# ...optionally watching ts files
npx snowdev dev --ts
# ...optionally watching ts files without dev server
npx snowdev dev --ts --no-serve

# Write code and commit all changes
git add -A && git commit -m "feat: add feature"

# Build package:
# - lint and format sources
# - generate documentation and insert it directly in README
# - generate TypeScript types from JSDoc
npx snowdev build
# ...optionally generate documentation in docs folder and compiling ts
# files and types using tsconfig.json
npx snowdev build --ts

# or directly prepare a release
# (build then run standard-version committing all artefacts eg. docs)
npx snowdev release
# ...optionally passing options to standard-version like prerelease
# setting a specific package distribution tag for "npm i package@alpha"
npx snowdev release --prerelease alpha
# ...optionally passing options to standard-version like --dry-run
# to test release without committing to git or updating files
# or --first-release to only generate an initial changelog
npx snowdev release --first-release --dry-run

# and push/publish it
git push --follow-tags origin main && npm publish


$ npx snowdev --help
snowdev <command>

  snowdev init     Create simple package structure.
  snowdev dev      Start dev server and install ESM dependencies.
  snowdev build    Lint and Format sources, run TypeScript, update README API.
  snowdev release  Bump the version, generate changelog release, create a new commit with git tag.
  snowdev deploy   Deploy to gh-pages.
  snowdev install  Install ESM dependencies.

Input/meta options:
  --cwd             Specify the current working directory for all commands.  [string] [default: process.cwd()]
  --username        Specify a user name for the init command.  [string] [default: $ npm profile get name]
  --gitHubUsername  Specify a GitHub user name for the init command. Default from current npm profile or scraped from profile page.  [string] [default: options.username]
  --authorName      Specify an author name for the init command. Default from current npm profile or scraped from profile page.  [string] [default: $ npm profile get fullname]
  --files           A glob pattern for files to be processed by build command. All JS and TS files in root or "src/" folder.  [string] [default: "{*.+(t|j||mj)s,src/**/*.+(t|j||mj)s}"]
  --ignore          Files to be ignored by build command.  [array] [default: ["**/node_modules/**", "**/web_modules/**"]]
  --dependencies    Install all dependencies from package.json, only devDependencies ("dev"), only dependencies ("prod") or an array of dependency as ES module into web_modules.  [string] [choices: "all", "dev", "prod"] [default: all]

Commands options:
  --ts                    Use TypeScript for init, dev and build commands (create index.ts, watch files or build files). Auto-detected if a "tsconfig.json" is detected with a "compilerOptions.outDir" set.  [boolean] [default: undefined]
  --serve                 Start Browsersync on dev command.  [boolean] [default: true]
  --lint                  Lint on build command.  [boolean] [default: true]
  --format                Format on build command.  [boolean] [default: true]
  --types                 Run TypeScript (generate types or compile) on build command or watch on dev command.  [boolean] [default: true]
  --docs                  Generate documentation (using "JSDoc" or "typedoc") in file (between "options.docsStart" and "options.docsEnd") or directory. Default to "" but "docs" if "options.ts".  [string] [default: undefined]
  --docsFormat            Default to "md" but "html" if "options.ts".  [string] [choices: "md", "html"] [default: undefined]
  --standardVersion       Bump the version, generate changelog release, create a new commit with git tag on release command.  [default: true]
  --crossOriginIsolation  Add Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy (COOP) and Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy (COEP) headers to browsersync. Required for the use of SharedArrayBuffer.  [boolean] [default: false]

  --version  Show version number  [boolean]
  --help     Show help  [boolean]


MIT. See license file.


Zero configuration, unbundled, opinionated development and prototyping server for simple ES modules development: types generation, format and linting, dev server and TypeScript support.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 97.5%Language:HTML 2.4%Language:TypeScript 0.2%