dmlc / tensorboard

Standalone TensorBoard for visualizing in deep learning

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why pending at the time cloning tensorboard-lite?

Davidrjx opened this issue · comments

@zihaolucky ,running sh keeps pending, i do not know whether it is normal, like

protoc tensorboard/src/*.proto --python_out=python/
Submodule 'tensorboard-lite' ( registered for path 'tensorboard-lite/tensorboard-lite'
Cloning into '$HOME/tensorboard/tensorboard-lite'...

@zihaolucky problem above has been resolved but came with a new error find: ‘/usr/include/python2.7’: No such file or directory , while i use system python2.7.13 in virtualenv.

tensorboard-lite is a submodule we need. Could you provide more log for the coming problem?

above problem has been ok, but when i run sh , came with the following error

ERROR: /opt/tensorboard/tensorboard-lite/tensorboard/java/org/tensorflow/tensorboard/vulcanize/BUILD:25:1: Creating runfiles tree bazel-out/host/bin/tensorboard/java/org/tensorflow/tensorboard/vulcanize/Zipper.runfiles [for host] failed (Exit 1)
_bin/build-runfiles (args bazel-out/host/bin/tensorboard/java/org/tensorflow/tensorboard/vulcanize/Zipper.runfiles_manifest bazel-out/host/bin/tensorboard/java/org/tensorflow/tensorboard/vulcanize/Zipper.runfiles): link or target filename contains space on line 3987: 'local_jdk/lib/python3.6/site-packages/setuptools/command/launcher manifest.xml /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/96c18647ee71fa3ee56fa5b9f43eac30/external/local_jdk/lib/python3.6/site-packages/setuptools/command/launcher manifest.xml'

Target //tensorboard:tensorboard failed to build
Use --verbose_failures to see the command lines of failed build steps.
INFO: Elapsed time: 11.041s, Critical Path: 9.68s
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully

can you please help me analyze this issue?