dmlc / tensorboard

Standalone TensorBoard for visualizing in deep learning

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

All values are at 0 epoch

ShownX opened this issue · comments


I just use mx.contrib.tensorboard.LogMetricsCallback() in the, eval_batch_end_call_back=...)

It generates the log file, but when I run tensorboard --logdir=...,

it generates a figure like follows:

screen shot 2017-06-15 at 11 33 59 am

Any ideas what I did wrong?

Try relative mode on the left.

@zihaolucky what do exactly you mean that relative mode on the left? I am confused.

@ShownX As I haven't add step params in scalar, so you have to select the relative mode of TensorBoard.

2017-06-16 3 18 42

Thank you very much!

@zihaolucky , Could you please guide me in the right direction on how to add the step param in scalar ? Relative mode is very bad as of now. Gives me very odd results in the training graph.
screen shot 2018-03-04 at 7 20 45 pm

I am calling tensorboard op on every batch_end.

batch_end_callbacks    += [mx.contrib.tensorboard.LogMetricsCallback(training_log)]

Tensorboard logs every batch but individually (no stitching between batches) giving batches number of graphs in the Relative mode.

Hi @arundasan91

The reason it looks ugly is we log train & valid/test data points with different time scale. You can write another callback function and pass the step explicitly, then use STEP mode.

Hi @zihaolucky, I was able to figure it out but forgot to update you. I passed the params.epoch to global_steps in and it worked as intended. Thank you so much for the wonderful project!
Do you have any idea on why the batch_end_caallback gives discontinuous graphs? Some accuracy values are nan when I download the csv but prints out perfectly to shell while training.