dmlc / tensorboard

Standalone TensorBoard for visualizing in deep learning

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Problems with building pip package

n1ckelman opened this issue · comments

when I'm building tensorboard as pip package pip package, I receive: 20: Syntax error: "(" unexpected

OS: Ubuntu 16.04
Python 2.7

@n1ckelman Could you verify the problem? Any Syntax error?

I meet the same on Ubuntu 16.04 with Python2.7. By replace

sh bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/ ../python/dist/


bash bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/ ../python/dist/

in solve the problem. Basically, sh is linked to dash on Ubuntu, it seems different from bash.

More detail can be found here and here.

@luoyetx thank you! So changing sh to bash could work in mac and linux both? If so, we should update the script.

@zihaolucky I think it works as long as we use bash. I find the script file already uses #!/usr/bin/env bash, and it is executable, directly run ./bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/ ../python/dist/ should be more convenient.

Good point, I would fix it, thank you.