dmlc / MXNet.jl

MXNet Julia Package - flexible and efficient deep learning in Julia

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julia 0.5.0: build error: No rule to make target 'include/mxnet/symbolic.h'

jbrea opened this issue · comments


I get the following error after Pkg.add("MXNet")
(which is commit e599d51 of MXNet.jl)

make: *** No rule to make target 'include/mxnet/symbolic.h', needed by 'build/src/c_api/c_predict_api.o'.  Stop.
=======================================[ ERROR: MXNet ]========================================

LoadError: failed process: Process(`make -j1 USE_BLAS=openblas 'MSHADOW_LDFLAGS=-lm /usr/bin/../lib/julia/'`, ProcessExited(2)) [2]
while loading /mnt/ubuntu/home/j/.julia/v0.5/MXNet/deps/build.jl, in expression starting on line 27


Julia Version 0.5.0

Commit 3c9d753 (2016-09-19 18:14 UTC)
Platform Info:
  System: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5600U CPU @ 2.60GHz
  BLAS: libopenblas (DYNAMIC_ARCH NO_AFFINITY Haswell)
  LAPACK: libopenblas
  LIBM: libm
  LLVM: libLLVM-3.7.1 (ORCJIT, broadwell)

I've been seeing errors similar to this, and what seems to work is checking out an older version (say v0.1.0), building that, then checking out the newer version and rebuilding. Not ideal but appears to get the job done.

Ok, perhaps not; this got me past the first header error, but now I get make: *** No rule to make target `include/mxnet/symbolic.h', needed by `build/src/c_api/c_api.o'. Stop..


I think this might have to do with the submodules and changed dependencies. What is your MXNet commit?

I ran into the same problem, removing the ~/.julia folder and reinstalling all packages fixed it. Go figure.

Should be fixed by c4a2658, the issue was that a new submodule was added, but we did not initialise it.