dmitriykotov333 / Blog-MVVM

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • Coroutines

  • Navigation Components

  • Bottom Navigation View with fragments

  • Dagger 2

  • Repository pattern (NetworkBoundResource)

  • Room(Cache)

  • WebViews

  • SearchView

  • Images:

    • Selecting images from phone memory

    • Cropping images to a specific aspect ratio

    • Setting limitations on image size and aspect ratio

    • Uploading a cropped image to server

  • Pagination:

    • Paginating objects returned from server and database cache

  • Material Design:

    • Bottom Navigation View with Fragments

    • Customizing Bottom Navigation Icon behavior

    • Handling Different Screen Sizes (ConstraintLayout)

    • Material Dialogs

    • Fragment transition animations