dmitric / DLCImagePickerController

ImagePickerController with live filters, radial blur and more. Brought to you by Backspaces.


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Show with UIImage already in place

rnaud opened this issue · comments

Hello, in my app I have a place where I choose between the camera and the imagepicker, so I'm hiding the imagepickerbutton in the DLCImagePickerController but there is no easy way to load the view with a UIImage already selected.

yeah that makes sense.Although we'd have to work on the statefulness a little. Do you think it would be best that if you load with an image, you could only use that image, or would you be able to choose another?

I think by default loading up the view with a selected UIImage means that you have another to select your images and so the DLCImagePicker does not need to allow you to retake a photo or to pick a new one. Just my 2 cts.

+1 this would be a cool feautre

I absolutely agree, this could be a great feature. Also, if there were some sort of implementation similar to UIImagePickerControllerSourceType that would be a nice, and somewhat similar from an implementation standpoint, feature.

You could have...
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, DLCImagePickerControllerSourceType) {
DLCImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary, // Show standard UIImagePickerController then filter
DLCImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera, // Basically as it exists now
DLCImagePickerControllerSourceTypeSavedPhotosAlbum, // Similar to photo lib, but goes right to saved photos
DLCImagePickerControllerSourceTypeDirectImage // Desired feature here, with no ability to retake photo or pick new one. A simple filter screen for an image that returns filtered image