dmidlo /

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Theme: Input Management

dmidlo opened this issue · comments

Input Management

Theme Story Card

Theme Name: Input Management
Theme Description: This theme is focused on providing a comprehensive, user-friendly system for adding items to a list, including features for manual input, data validation, and bulk operations.

Fibonacci Effort Estimation

  • Estimated Effort: 21

Business Value and Goals

  • Priority: High
  • Strategic Alignment: Enhances user interaction by making the input process seamless and versatile, thereby improving user retention and overall product quality.


  • Product Owner: @dmidlo
  • Stakeholders: End-users, UX/UI Designers, Frontend and Backend Developers

Definition of Success

  • A versatile, yet simple input system.
  • Real-time data validation and alerts for quality.
  • Streamlined bulk operations.


  • Input Field(s) for List Items & Manual Addition: Users can enter list items either as a comma-separated list in a single input field or individually in separate fields. Option to add items one by one also available.
  • Whitespace Sensitivity: Option to consider or ignore leading and trailing whitespaces.
  • Data Validation and Quality Checker: Real-time alerts and suggestions for improper formats or inconsistencies. Alert the user if the format of the data is incorrect, especially useful for number-based or date-based lists.
  • Auto-complete: Dynamic suggestions based on existing list items or a predefined set, with smart suggestions based on user history.
  • Tag Autocompletion and Auto-Tagging: Streamlined tag input and auto-tagging based on list content or current item being added or edited.
  • Clipboard Watcher: Monitoring and suggestion system for clipboard content. Watch the clipboard for new data and suggest adding it to the list.
  • Batch Import and Bulk Operations: Import list items from text files, clipboard, or URL with optional transformations. Support for multiple formats (CSV, JSON, etc.) for importing and exporting lists.
  • Natural Language Processing: Interpret natural language input to automatically format or sort list items.
  • Automatic Item Classification: ML-driven classification of list items upon addition.
  • Import from Web: Direct import functionality from specified web URLs. Ability to directly import lists from a webpage by specifying the URL.
  • OCR and Data Import/Export: Import lists from images using OCR technology. Integrate with third-party services for additional data import/export capabilities.
  • Audio Input: Option to add items to the list through voice commands.

Agile Ranking

  • Epic: User Interaction Enhancement
  • Story: Create Input Management System
  • Task: Each feature
  • Sub-Task: Components of each feature


  • Base List Management Component
  • User Preferences
  • Backend ML models for Auto-Classification, if applicable

Risks and Mitigations

  • Complexity of data validation: Limit initial launch to commonly used formats.
  • ML Classification performance: Start with simpler algorithms and optimize iteratively.


  • Data validation rules and ML algorithms will be updated based on user feedback.


  • [Wireframes]
  • [Data Validation Rules]
  • [ML Classification Algorithm Details]

Team Discussion

  • [To be added as discussions occur]

Progress Tracking

  • Progress: Not Started
  • Estimate: 3-4 Sprints
  • Actual Effort: TBD
  • Remaining Work: 3-4 Sprints

Task Board

  • [Link to task board where these tasks are tracked]

Review and Retrospective

  • [To be added post-sprint]