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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Theme: Data Organization and Display

dmidlo opened this issue · comments

Data Organization and Display

Data Organization and Display

Theme Story Card

Theme Name: Data Organization and Display
Theme Description: This theme focuses on improving the user experience by providing various methods for organizing and displaying list data in an intuitive and accessible manner.

Fibonacci Effort Estimation

  • Estimated Effort: 21

Business Value and Goals

  • Priority: High
  • Strategic Alignment: This theme aligns closely with the overarching goal of making list management as flexible and user-friendly as possible. Given that the usability of the list is central to the application, this theme is of high priority.


  • Product Owner: @dmidlo
  • Stakeholders: End-users, IT managers, Accessibility auditors

Definition of Success

  • Seamless and intuitive data organization and display options that cater to a wide variety of user needs, including accessibility.
  • Positive feedback from user testing focusing on data organization features.


  • Pagination and Collapsible Sections: Implement pagination for long lists and allow sections to be collapsed or expanded for better visibility.
  • Search and Filtering: Allow users to search through the list items quickly and apply transformations like 'convert to uppercase' to multiple items simultaneously.
  • Tagging/Categorizing and Color-Coded Categories: Allow users to tag or categorize list items for better organization. Include color-coded categories for easy identification.
  • List Manipulation: Allow manual rearrangement of the list order using drag and drop. Include the ability to drag to nest items and establish parent-child relationships.
  • Item Annotations: Users can add notes, comments, or attach images to individual list items and record the time spent on each item.
  • Multi-Column and Hierarchical Display: Ability to treat each list item as a record with multiple fields or columns. Include a visual representation of hierarchical relationships like a tree view.
  • Item Interaction & Context Menu: Option to mark certain items as favorites or bookmarks. Right-click to open a context menu with various options. Additionally, allow item highlighting.
  • Data Visualization and Custom Views: Option to view the list in different layouts such as cards, tables, or detailed views. Allow users to create custom views based on filters and sorts.
  • User Interaction Analytics: Visual indicators and statistics to show user interaction with list items, including heatmaps and activity logs.

Agile Ranking

  • Epic: List Management Suite
  • Story: Advanced Data Organization and Display
  • Task: [Several tasks associated with each feature]
  • Sub-Task: [Several sub-tasks for each task]


  • User Interface and Preferences theme for UI components
  • Multilingual Accessibility and Language Flexibility for localization

Risks and Mitigations

  • Risk: Complexity in user interface due to multiple features
    • Mitigation: Iterative design and user testing
  • Risk: Accessibility issues
    • Mitigation: Regular audits and alignment with ARIA standards


  • Focus on mobile-responsive designs for all features
  • Ensure all features comply with accessibility standards


  • [Link to wireframes]
  • [Link to user stories related to this theme]

Team Discussion

  • [Record team discussions related to this theme]

Progress Tracking

  • Progress: Not Started
  • Estimate: 300 Story Points
  • Actual Effort: 0
  • Remaining Work: 300 Story Points

Task Board

  • [Link to the task board where related tasks and sub-tasks are tracked]

Review and Retrospective

  • [Notes from the theme review and retrospective meetings]