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Feature: Icon and Image Mirroring

dmidlo opened this issue · comments

Icon and Image Mirroring

Feature Story Card

Feature Name: Icon and Image Mirroring
Feature Description: This feature allows the icons and images to be mirrored when switching between LTR and RTL layouts, ensuring visual consistency across different language settings.

Fibonacci Effort Estimation

  • Estimated Effort: 8

Business Value and Goals

  • Priority: Medium
  • Strategic Alignment: This feature contributes to the larger goal of ensuring a seamless and consistent user experience in both LTR and RTL layouts, which can improve user engagement and customer satisfaction.


  • Product Owner: @dmidlo
  • Stakeholders: End-users, UX/UI designers, accessibility consultants, developers

Definition of Success

  • Successful mirroring of icons and images when transitioning between LTR and RTL.
  • No visual or functional glitches occur during the mirroring process.
  • Passes all applicable accessibility standards and guidelines.
  • User feedback reflects a positive experience with the visual consistency of the application.


  • Epic 1: Develop the mirroring logic for icons and images
  • Epic 2: Implement accessibility standards for the mirrored icons and images
  • Epic 3: User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and bug fixing

Agile Ranking

  • Story: Icon and Image Mirroring for Multilingual Support
  • Task: Create sub-tasks for each Epic
  • Sub-Task: Individual development, testing, and deployment tasks for each Epic


  • UI/UX design specifications for icons and images
  • Previous development work on the LTR/RTL toggle feature

Risks and Mitigations

  • Risk: Mirroring could lead to visual inconsistencies or glitches
    • Mitigation: Rigorous testing on different screen sizes and resolutions, as well as on different devices.
  • Risk: Accessibility issues with mirrored icons and images
    • Mitigation: Conduct accessibility testing and consult accessibility experts to ensure that the mirrored icons and images meet all guidelines.


  • We will need to carefully plan how to handle icons and images that should not be mirrored, such as logos or specific directional indicators.


  • [Link to wireframes for icon and image placement]
  • [Link to accessibility guidelines]

Team Discussion

  • Ongoing: Identifying edge cases where mirroring should not be applied.

Progress Tracking

  • Progress: Not Started
  • Estimate: 40 hours
  • Actual Effort: N/A
  • Remaining Work: 40 hours

Task Board

  • [Link to the task board tracking this feature]

Review and Retrospective

  • To be filled out upon completion of this feature.