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Feature: Language Toggle

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Feature Name: Language Toggle

Feature Description: Develop an intuitive and user-friendly Language Toggle feature that allows users to effortlessly switch between Left-to-Right (LTR) and Right-to-Left (RTL) layouts without requiring a page reload. The toggle will be seamlessly integrated with Redux for state management and designed to meet WAI-ARIA accessibility guidelines. The feature aims to enhance user inclusivity by catering to multiple language orientations.

Business Value and Goals

  • Priority: High

  • Strategic Summary: Facilitates broader user engagement by catering to multiple language groups, thereby making the application more inclusive.

  • Strategic Alignment: Enriching user experience by fostering inclusivity and accessibility, the Language Toggle feature aims to engage a diverse user base by providing seamless transitions between LTR and RTL text orientations. By doing so, the feature helps in making the application globally adaptable, which is not just a UI/UX enhancement but also a strategic move to broaden the application's market reach and user engagement.

  • Monetary Impact: While the exact ROI is difficult to quantify at this stage, the feature's implementation could significantly increase user retention and attract a global audience, thereby potentially boosting revenue streams in the long term.

  • Customer Satisfaction: Elevating user experience by accounting for language preferences can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, impacting both product ratings and word-of-mouth recommendations.

  • Accessibility Compliance: By meeting WAI-ARIA guidelines, this feature not only makes the application more usable for people with disabilities but also aligns with legal accessibility requirements, mitigating the risk of non-compliance penalties.

  • Technical Innovation: Implementing an efficient language toggle feature sets a precedent for future features and improvements, encouraging a culture of technical excellence within the development team.


  • Product Owner: @dmidlo
  • Stakeholders: End-users, developers, UX/UI designers, translators, accessibility experts

Agile Ranking

  • Theme: Multilingual Accessibility and Language Flexibility
  • Feature: Language Toggle for LTR and RTL
  • Epic: UI/UX Research and Design, Redux State Management and Data Layer, Front-End UI Integration, Accessibility Testing and Compliance, Localization and Content, Quality Assurance and Deployment
  • Story: Implement intuitive and user-friendly Language Toggle feature in accordance with UX/UI design, Redux integration, and WAI-ARIA accessibility standards
  • Task: Develop UI Components for Language Toggle, Integrate Language Toggle with Redux for State Management, Conduct Accessibility Testing for Language Toggle
  • Sub-Task: Create Unit Tests for UI Components and Redux Integration, Perform Accessibility Audits to Ensure WAI-ARIA Compliance, Implement and Test Redux Actions and Reducers for Language Toggle

Progress Tracking

  • Progress: Not Started
  • Estimate: 40 hours (Based on Fibonacci Effort Estimation)
  • Actual Effort: N/A
  • Remaining Work: 40 hours


Epic: Redux State Management and Data Layer

  • Description: Set up the data layer by implementing Redux actions, reducers, and selectors. This will ensure seamless transition between LTR and RTL layouts and manage the application's overall state.
    • Possible Stories: Action Definitions, Reducer Implementations, Selector Creation, State Integration Testing
    • Dependencies: Backend Data, Redux library
    • Risks: State inconsistencies, inefficient state management

Epic: Front-End UI Integration

  • Description: Develop the UI components based on the finalized designs. Integrate these components with Redux to update the application's layout in real-time when the language toggle is used.
    • Possible Stories: Component Development, Redux Integration, Manual Testing of UI Components, Peer Code Reviews
    • Dependencies: Epic 1 & Epic 2 completions, Front-end development team
    • Risks: Ineffective integration, UI breaks

Epic: UI/UX Research and Design

  • Description: Conduct user research to understand the usability needs and design a mockup for the language toggle feature. Create wireframes and prototypes that will be tested on a small user group for feedback.
    • Possible Stories: User Interviews, Design Wireframes, Prototype Creation, Usability Testing
    • Dependencies: UX/UI designers, User Research team
    • Risks: Insufficient user feedback, design inconsistencies

Epic: Localization and Content

  • Description: Ensure that all content related to the language toggle is properly localized. This includes tooltips, labels, and any user-facing notifications or instructions.
    • Possible Stories: Text Content Creation, Translation, Integration of Translated Content, Cultural Sensitivity Testing
    • Dependencies: Translators, Content team
    • Risks: Poor translations, culturally insensitive content

Epic: Accessibility Testing and Compliance

  • Description: Rigorously test the feature to ensure it meets all WAI-ARIA guidelines and is accessible. This should cover keyboard navigation, screen readers, and color contrast among others.
    • Possible Stories: Initial Accessibility Audit, Resolve Accessibility Issues, Final Accessibility Audit, User Testing with Assistive Technologies
    • Dependencies: Accessibility tools, Accessibility consultants
    • Risks: Non-compliance with WAI-ARIA, poor user experience for disabled users

Epic: Quality Assurance and Deployment

  • Description: Conduct full end-to-end testing including unit tests, integration tests, and UI tests. Prepare for the feature's deployment to production.
    • Possible Stories: Unit Tests, Integration Tests, UI Tests, Deployment Preparation
    • Dependencies: QA team, DevOps team
    • Risks: Bugs, deployment issues


  • UI/UX Design: Need a skilled UX/UI designer to collaboratively work on wireframes and mockups, focusing on user-centric design that aligns with both LTR and RTL requirements.

  • Translation and Localization: Must partner with qualified translators who can accurately translate the UI strings related to the language toggle feature, ensuring both linguistic accuracy and cultural relevance.

  • Accessibility Standards: Access to accessibility experts for continuous consultation is crucial. They will ensure that the language toggle adheres to WAI-ARIA standards and is fully functional with assistive technologies.

  • Redux State Management: A prerequisite is the existing Redux setup for overall application state management. The new language toggle feature will leverage this to change layout directions.

  • Testing Tools and Audience: Access to both automated and manual accessibility testing tools is necessary. It's also beneficial to have a diverse set of end-users available for usability testing in both LTR and RTL configurations.

Risks and Mitigations

  • Risk: Inadequate UI/UX Design for Language Toggle

    • Mitigation: Engage with UX/UI designers early in the process to define clear design mockups. Conduct A/B tests with diverse user groups to iterate and refine the design.
  • Risk: Inconsistencies in Application State During Layout Switch

    • Mitigation: Implement thorough automated testing for state management using Redux, and have a rollback mechanism to revert the state if an inconsistency is detected.
  • Risk: Subpar Accessibility in LTR/RTL Switching

    • Mitigation: Use accessibility testing tools to check for WAI-ARIA compliance at various stages of development. Include users with disabilities in usability testing to gather qualitative insights.
  • Risk: Poor Translation Quality for Labels and Tooltips

    • Mitigation: Employ professional translation services to ensure accuracy and cultural relevance. Validate translations with native speakers as part of the usability testing process.
  • Risk: Browser Compatibility Issues

    • Mitigation: Conduct cross-browser testing to ensure that the Language Toggle works seamlessly across different web browsers. Leverage browser-specific fixes if needed.
  • Risk: Layout Breaks in Lower-End Devices or Slower Internet Connections

    • Mitigation: Optimize asset sizes and implement lazy loading where applicable. Test on various device sizes and network speeds to ensure functionality.
  • Risk: Incompatibility with Assistive Technologies in RTL Mode

    • Mitigation: Regularly consult with accessibility experts and conduct tests using screen readers and other assistive technologies, particularly when the layout is toggled to RTL.

Definition of Success

  1. Usability: The Language Toggle feature should be intuitively designed, allowing users to easily switch between LTR and RTL layouts without requiring any additional instruction or reloads.

  2. State Management: Successful toggling should result in a seamless layout change, managed via Redux, with no inconsistencies or errors in the application state. The user's current state should be preserved during the layout switch.

  3. Accessibility: The toggle feature must meet WAI-ARIA guidelines and pass all accessibility audits for both LTR and RTL modes. This includes compatibility with assistive technologies such as screen readers, keyboard navigation, and adherence to proper color-contrast standards.

  4. Localization: The labels and tooltips associated with the toggle should be translated accurately for supported languages, and the translations should culturally resonate with the target audience.

  5. Browser Compatibility: The feature must work across all major web browsers without any UI breaks or functional issues.

  6. Performance: There should be no noticeable lag or delay when toggling between the layouts, and the feature should be optimized to work on a variety of devices and network conditions.

  7. Quality Assurance: Comprehensive unit tests should pass for both LTR and RTL scenarios, including edge cases. End-user testing should also confirm the feature's usability, accessibility, and localization.


In developing the Language Toggle feature, it's essential to be cognizant of several key areas that may not be immediately apparent but are crucial for the project's success. Below are some of these important considerations:


  • CSS Styling: Be aware that simply flipping the layout might break some CSS. Utilize logical properties like margin-inline-start instead of margin-left for better adaptability.

  • State Hydration: If using Server-Side Rendering (SSR), remember to correctly hydrate the state so that the client and server are in sync with regards to language and directionality.


  • Event Handling: Make sure that events like onClick or onChange work as expected post toggle. These are often overlooked during RTL testing.

  • Animation: Any animations should also be mirrored when toggling between LTR and RTL.


  • Scrolling Behavior: Check how the scroll behaves, especially in carousels and slideshows. They should align with the language direction.

  • Conditional Rendering: If components are conditionally rendered, make sure their state is maintained or properly reset during a toggle.


  • Text Concatenation: Be wary of directly concatenating translated strings, as sentence structures can change significantly in different languages, breaking the logic.

  • Nested Components: Pay attention to components within components. A parent component switching from LTR to RTL might not trigger a switch in a nested component.


  • Localization (l10n): The adaptation of a product or content to meet the language, cultural, and other requirements of a specific target market.

  • Internationalization (i18n): The process of designing a software application so that it can potentially be adapted to various languages and regions without engineering changes.

Organizations to Consult

  • W3C: For guidelines on web standards including internationalization and accessibility.

  • IETF: For best practices on language tags and locale identifiers.


  1. Pre-Development

    • Design Mockup
    • Accessibility Audit
    • Translate Labels
  2. Development

    • Implement Redux
    • Develop UI
    • Add Unit Tests
  3. Post-Development

    • Cross-Browser Testing
    • Performance Testing
    • Accessibility Re-Audit

By taking these into consideration, you not only ensure that the feature is robust and user-friendly but also that it can be seamlessly integrated into larger projects while meeting all accessibility guidelines.

Fibonacci Effort Estimation

  • Estimated Effort: 13


  • [Link to UI Mockups]
  • [Accessibility Guidelines Document]

Team Discussion

  • Ongoing: Discussing the most efficient way to handle state changes during the toggle operation.

Review and Retrospective

  • To be filled out upon completion of this feature.


Feature Name: Language Toggle

## Feature: Language Toggle
**Description**: User-friendly feature to switch between LTR and RTL layouts without page reload. Integrated with Redux and WAI-ARIA compliant.

### Business Value and Goals
- **Priority**: High
- **Strategic Summary**: Increases user engagement by supporting multiple language orientations.
- **Alignment**: Enhances global reach and user satisfaction. Complies with accessibility standards.
- **Monetary Impact**: Boosts long-term revenue through user retention.
### Stakeholders
- **Involved**: End-users, developers, UX/UI designers, translators, accessibility experts.

### Agile Ranking
- **Theme**: Multilingual Accessibility
- **Feature**: Language Toggle
- **Epic**: UI/UX Design, Redux, Front-End Integration, Accessibility, Localization, QA & Deployment
- **Story**: UX/UI design, Redux, WAI-ARIA
- **Task**: UI Components, Redux Integration, Accessibility Testing
- **Sub-Task**: Unit Tests, Accessibility Audits, Redux Actions & Reducers

### Epics

#### Epic: Redux
- **Stories**: Actions, Reducers, Selectors, Testing
- **Dependencies**: Backend, Redux library
- **Risks**: State inconsistencies
#### Epic: Front-End
- **Stories**: Component Dev, Redux Integration, Manual Testing, Code Reviews
- **Dependencies**: Completed Epic 1 & 2, Front-end team
- **Risks**: UI breaks
#### Epic: UI/UX Design
- **Stories**: User Interviews, Wireframes, Prototypes, Usability Testing
- **Dependencies**: UX/UI team
- **Risks**: Insufficient feedback, design inconsistencies
#### Epic: Localization
- **Stories**: Text Content, Translation, Integration, Cultural Testing
- **Dependencies**: Translators, Content team
- **Risks**: Poor translations
#### Epic: Accessibility
- **Stories**: Initial Audit, Issue Resolution, Final Audit, User Testing
- **Dependencies**: Accessibility tools, consultants
- **Risks**: WAI-ARIA non-compliance
#### Epic: QA & Deployment
- **Stories**: Unit Tests, Integration Tests, UI Tests, Deployment
- **Dependencies**: QA, DevOps
- **Risks**: Bugs, deployment issues

### Dependencies
- **UI/UX**: Need skilled designers.
- **Localization**: Qualified translators needed.
- **Accessibility**: Expert consultation required.
- **Redux**: Existing Redux setup.
- **Testing**: Diverse end-users, automated/manual tools.

### Notes
#### Tips
- **CSS**: Use logical properties.
- **State**: Proper SSR hydration.
#### Pointers
- **Event Handling**: Ensure `onClick`, `onChange` work post-toggle.
- **Animation**: Mirror animations in LTR and RTL.
#### Gotchas
- **Scrolling**: Check behavior in carousels.
- **Conditional Rendering**: Ensure state is maintained during toggle.
#### Warnings
- **Text**: Avoid direct string concatenation.
- **Nested Components**: Check RTL/LTR switch in nested components.
#### Vocabulary
- **Localization (l10n)**: Adapting product for target market.
- **Internationalization (i18n)**: Design for potential global adaptation.
#### Organizations
- **W3C**: Web standards.
- **IETF**: Language tags and locale identifiers.
#### Checklist
1. **Pre-Development**: Design, Audit, Translate
2. **Development**: Redux, UI, Unit Tests
3. **Post-Development**: Browser Testing, Performance, Re-Audit

### Effort Estimation
- **Estimated Effort**: 13

### Team Discussion
- Ongoing: State management during toggle.

### Review and Retrospective
- To be completed post-feature.