DrewErskine / AccountCreation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project Structure

  • config: Contains configuration classes for Spring Security and database configuration.
  • controller: Contains the web layer controllers for handling HTTP requests.
  • model: Contains the entity classes representing the database tables.
  • repository: Contains the repository interfaces for data access.
  • service: Contains the service classes for business logic.
  • security: Contains custom user details and security configurations.



The DatabaseConfig class configures the application's data source, entity manager factory, and transaction manager. It ensures that the application connects to the PostgreSQL database correctly and sets up JPA with Hibernate.

  • DataSource: Configures the PostgreSQL database connection.
  • LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean: Sets up the JPA entity manager factory with Hibernate.
  • JpaTransactionManager: Configures the transaction manager for managing transactions.


The SecurityConfig class sets up Spring Security for the application. It configures authentication, authorization, and password encoding.

  • UserDetailsService: Custom user details service for loading user-specific data.
  • PasswordEncoder: Configures the password encoder to use BCrypt.
  • SecurityFilterChain: Sets up security rules for HTTP requests, including login, logout, and access restrictions.



The HomeController handles requests to the home page.

  • @GetMapping("/home"): Maps GET requests for the "/home" URL to the home method, which returns the "home" view.


The LoginController handles user login and registration requests.

  • Dependencies: Injects UserRepository and PasswordEncoder to manage user data and encode passwords.

  • @GetMapping("/login"): Maps GET requests for the "/login" URL to the login method, which returns the "login" view.

  • @GetMapping("/register"): Maps GET requests for the "/register" URL to the register method, which adds a new User object to the model and returns the "register" view.

  • @PostMapping("/register"): Maps POST requests for the "/register" URL to the registerUser method, which encodes the user's password, saves the user to the repository, and redirects to the "login" page.



The User entity represents a user in the system. It includes fields for the user's ID, username, password, and roles. It has a many-to-many relationship with the Role entity.

  • id: Unique identifier for the user.
  • username: Unique username for the user.
  • password: Encrypted password for the user.
  • roles: A collection of roles assigned to the user.


The Role entity represents a role that can be assigned to a user. It includes fields for the role's ID and name.

  • id: Unique identifier for the role.
  • name: Name of the role.



The UserRepository interface extends JpaRepository and provides methods for performing CRUD operations on User entities. It includes a method for finding a user by their username.

  • findByUsername(String username): Finds a user by their username.



The OnlineUserDetails class implements UserDetails and provides user-specific data for Spring Security. It includes methods for getting the user's authorities, password, and username, as well as checking if the account is non-expired, non-locked, credentials non-expired, and enabled.

  • getAuthorities(): Returns the roles assigned to the user.
  • getPassword(): Returns the user's password.
  • getUsername(): Returns the user's username.
  • isAccountNonExpired(): Returns true if the account is non-expired.
  • isAccountNonLocked(): Returns true if the account is non-locked.
  • isCredentialsNonExpired(): Returns true if the credentials are non-expired.
  • isEnabled(): Returns true if the account is enabled.


The UserService class implements UserDetailsService and provides methods for loading a user by their username. It uses the UserRepository to find the user and the OnlineUserDetails class to provide user-specific data for Spring Security.

  • loadUserByUsername(String username): Loads a user by their username and returns user-specific data.



  • Java 21
  • Maven
  • PostgreSQL


User Registration

  • Users can register with a unique username and password.
  • Passwords are encoded before being saved to the database.
  • After successful registration, users are redirected to the login page.

User Login

  • Users can log in with their registered username and password.
  • Passwords are verified using BCrypt encoding.
  • After successful login, users are redirected to the home page.

Home Page

  • Authenticated users can access the home page.
  • Unauthenticated users are redirected to the login page.

User Details Management

  • User-specific details, such as roles, are managed and provided for Spring Security.

Data Access

  • User data is accessed and managed using JPA repositories.
  • Custom queries are used to find users by their username.


  • Authentication and authorization are managed using Spring Security.
  • Different roles (e.g., USER) are used to manage access to different parts of the application.
  • Security configurations are set up to protect against common security vulnerabilities.


  • Comprehensive tests are in place for all major functionalities, including user registration, login, data access, and security configurations.
  • Tests ensure that users can be found by their username and that appropriate exceptions are thrown when users are not found.

Future Enhancements

  • Add More User Roles: Implement roles like ADMIN and USER with different access levels.
  • Implement User Profile: Add functionality for users to update their profiles.
  • Add Email Verification: Implement email verification for new user registrations.
  • Improve Security: Enhance security features such as password reset, account lockout after multiple failed login attempts, and two-factor authentication.
  • API Integration: Develop RESTful APIs for user management.



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