dlsun / symbulate

A symbolic algebra for specifying simulations.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Histogram normalize=False option should return bin counts for Continuous RV. Change 'normed' kwarg to 'density' since normed is depricated

hayate0304 opened this issue · comments

Hi professors,

I found the problem in the results.py file and I tried to fix it. How do I test if my correction is correct?

I managed to test my code by install setup.py again with my symbulate folder. But when I modified the module, then import the package and tried to test again, it didn't work. I googled and tried %autoreload 2 but it didn't work. I had to install setup.py again and again to test my code. Can you show me a better way ?

Dennis, can you give Kien some advice? I'm not sure if I understand the issue. Here is the basic process to follow, as I understand it.

  • Fork a branch in GitHub
  • Clone a copy of the branch to your computer
  • Edit the .py files on your computer. You might need to run python setup.py install to implement the changes, but that's just one short line. But perhaps develop is better.
  • After you are satisfied with your edits and tests, push the changes to your branch in GitHub, and send a pull request

Kien, please continue to work on the other changes we discussed yesterday.

Kien, you need to restart Python (or your Jupyter kernel) after you run python setup.py install. You cannot simply import the module again because it has already been loaded; Python will not reload a module once it has already been loaded. There is a way you can make it work with the %autoreload magic, but I think it's easier to just restart everything.

This issue has been fixed, right? @kevindavisross

Yes, I'll close this.