dls-controls / pmac

Driver for the Delta Tau PMAC motion controller family.

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How to use this IOC with PowerPMAC

gabrielfedel opened this issue · comments

Hi, How I can use this IOC with PowerPMAC?

I'm trying to use iocbuilder, but there are some dependencies I can't solve (dls_ade)

Hi @gilesknap Thank you for the answer!

I trying to compile iocs/example, but I having this problem:

msi -I. -I.. -I../O.Common -I../../../db -I/usr/local/epics/synApps/support/asyn-R4-33/db -I/usr
/local/epics/synApps/support/busy-R1-7/db -I/usr/local/epics/synApps/support/motor-R6-10-1/db -I../
../../../..//db -I/usr/local/epics/base/db -S../lab_expanded.substitutions > lab_expanded.tmp
Could not open basic_asyn_motor.template
input: include "basic_asyn_motor.template"
which is line 12 of file ../../../../..//db/dls_pmac_asyn_motor.template

besides that, The ioc example is called "ioclab", if I can run it, it will be compatible with PowerPMAC ?

If you think better I can send an email (instead of use github issues).

Ok @gilesknap , thank you!

Closing this issue.

In summary, there is now an example in iocs/simple-power-pmac which has been tested outside of DLS.