dlrandy / mosh-react-native

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

离线策略: 1.通知用户 2.取消某些特性 3.缓存数据 4.存储用户行为

目前项目里手动实现不适合复杂的项目, 因为复杂的项目可能会要求

  1. optimistic updates
  2. retrying action
  3. conflict resolution


Authentication providers

  1. Amplify by amazon
  2. Firebase by google
  3. Auth0

react context 适合共享一些不常改变的小对象;

redux 适合共享一些经常改变的大对象;

push notification providers

  1. expo push notification service
  2. one signal
  3. firebase cloud MESSING
  4. Amazon simple notification service(sns)

expo push notification:

  1. register the app to get a token
  2. store token on the server
  3. send a notification
  4. handle received notification

AppIcon png 1024 * 1024 (expo build service 自动生成其他的) follow applw/android guidelines sharp-cli -> npx expo-optimize js lib

Error reporting tools sentry Bugsnag report errors attach diagnostic data identify users MOnitor releases

If you want to automate your app deployment, consider FastLane:


This blog posts shows how you can use Fastlane to deploy Expo apps:




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