dlr-eoc / ukis-csmask

UKIS Cloud Shadow MASK

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Expose onnxruntime session options (intra_op_num_threads)

MWieland opened this issue · comments


intra_op_num_threads sets the number of threads used to parallelize the execution within nodes. Default is 0 to let onnxruntime choose. As reported in this onnxruntime issue, it may be required to manually set the number of threads in order to avoid issues with thread affinity.

Therefore, suggest to add onnxruntime session options to uski-csmask and expose the relevant options, so that the user can manually adjust them according to their specific hardware setup. Keep default values of onnxruntime to ensure backwards compatibility.


This is handled in #20 . Closing this issue.