dkandalov / project-treemap

Project treemap micro-plugin for IntelliJ (using d3.js for visualisation)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What is this?

This is a micro-plugin for IntelliJ that shows packages/classes treemap using d3.js.
(It runs inside live-plugin plugin and needs browser with SVG support. Implemented for Java but should be easy to extend for other languages supported by IntelliJ.)


Treemap view of IntelliJ community edition at the project root.
(Numbers below package names show estimated size of all classes it contains; please see definition of class size below.) auto-revert screenshot

Treemap view of "com.intellij" package under "platform-impl" source root. auto-revert screenshot


  • because normal tree structure doesn't show how big things are relative to each other
  • customizable definition of class "complexity". I've never been sure that "standard" complexity metrics make perfect sense for every project (e.g. Cyclomatic complexity). Therefore, simplistic complexity estimation that should be easy to change. This is how it's implemented in ProjectTreeMap.groovy (you can change this code and reload plugin):
	static class JavaClassEstimator {
		int sizeOf(PsiClass psiClass) {
			if (!psiClass.containingFile instanceof PsiJavaFile)
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("$psiClass is not a Java class")

			int amountOfStatements = 0
			psiClass.accept(new PsiRecursiveElementVisitor() {
				@Override void visitElement(PsiElement element) {
					if (element instanceof PsiStatement) amountOfStatements++

			1 + // this is to account for class declaration
			amountOfStatements +
			psiClass.fields.size() +
			psiClass.initializers.size() +
			psiClass.constructors.sum(0){ sizeOfMethodDeclaration((PsiMethod) it) } +
			psiClass.methods.sum(0){ sizeOfMethodDeclaration((PsiMethod) it) } +
			psiClass.innerClasses.sum(0){ sizeOf((PsiClass) it) }

		private static int sizeOfMethodDeclaration(PsiMethod psiMethod) { 1 + psiMethod.parameterList.parametersCount }

How to use?

  • install live-plugin
  • add and run this plugin (Plugins Tool Window -> Add -> Plugin from Git)
  • use alt+T to build/open treemap for current project
  • (in browser) click to go one level down, alt+click to go one level up


Project treemap micro-plugin for IntelliJ (using d3.js for visualisation)


Language:JavaScript 78.5%Language:HTML 20.2%Language:Groovy 1.3%