djvdorp / codex

Everyone deserves nice things

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Codex brings together the years of experience and lessons learned by Stark & Wayne engineers after designing, deploying and managing their client's BOSH and Cloud Foundry distributed architectures. These best practices are gathered together here to further mature and develop these techniques.

Software Requirements

You will need the following software on your local machine to run these deployments:

On a Mac, you can install spruce, genesis, safe and terraform via Homebrew:

$ brew tap starkandwayne/cf
$ brew install spruce genesis safe terraform

Get Started

To get started with a best practices Codex deployment, you'll want to choose your IaaS provider. We have guides for the following:

Offline Reading

The product of this repo is also available for online reading and PDF download at

Read more about how to use and abuse gitbook tools, plugins, etc. in our gitbook guide.


Everyone deserves nice things



Language:HCL 93.0%Language:Shell 4.7%Language:Makefile 1.4%Language:Perl 0.8%