djmdjm / jBCrypt

bcrypt for Java

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Invalid salt revision

domdorn opened this issue · comments

jBCrypt is not compatible with bCrypt hashes generated by other implementations, e.g. PHP or

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid salt revision
at org.mindrot.jbcrypt.BCrypt.hashpw(
at org.mindrot.jbcrypt.BCrypt.checkpw(

e.g. "test" might be hashed as "$2y$10$h5jWvguJlBPJ8/1KkOBRGeApm9dj0430qnHK5iRp4lb2dBL4DhfnK"

jBcrypt expects a hash to start with $2a ..

General question: are you still supporting this library? The repository looks very outdated (last commits years ago..).

BTW there is which seems to be more recently touched.

I'm using and it passes the test

BCryptFunction bcrypt = BCryptFunction.getInstance(BCrypt.Y, 10);

// $2y$10$kC7i7gde5oCLqMpC.vIEs.knpXCb6SpTWL4vWQlCfED/PJg/iSUGq

It seems constantly updated.


Hashed passwords are stored with a prefix to identify the algorithm used. BCrypt got the prefix $2$.
A bug was discovered in crypt_blowfish🕗, a PHP implementation of BCrypt. It was mis-handling characters with the 8th bit set.

They suggested that system administrators update their existing password database, replacing $2a$ with $2x$, to indicate that those hashes are bad (and need to use the old broken algorithm). They also suggested the idea of having crypt_blowfish emit $2y$ for hashes generated by the fixed algorithm. Nobody else, including canonical OpenBSD, adopted the idea of 2x/2y. This version marker was was limited to crypt_blowfish🕗.

The versions $2x$ and $2y$ are not "better" or "stronger" than $2a$. They are remnants of one particular buggy implementation of BCrypt.

quote from

As I read this StackOverflow post, you should be able to change the prefix (ie, algorithm) to $2a$ and all should be well. But I did not test it, so YMMV.