djc / couchdb-python

Python library for working with CouchDB

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Error when installing via pip

siegesmund opened this issue · comments

This error occurs when installing with pip in both python 2 and 3; It installs successfully and I haven't encountered any adverse consequences from it. Still...

This message generated on Mac OS 10.10 with Python version 2.7.6

Downloading CouchDB-0.10-py2.py3-none-any.whl (61kB): 61kB downloaded
Installing collected packages: couchdb
Compiling /Users/Programming/Python/temp/build/couchdb/couchdb/ ...
File "/Users/Programming/Python/temp/build/couchdb/couchdb/", line 17
pyexec = exec
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Right; this has been fixed in 8fdba0f, so running from current master should work. I guess it's time to release a new version soon!

Great - thanks!