djc / couchdb-python

Python library for working with CouchDB

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_id values with / are not handled correctly?

dholth opened this issue · comments

database['foo/bar'] = { 'baz':'quux'} always seems to give a conflict error. Perhaps couchdb-python is not %20-escaping these _id values?

No, it because document foo/bar is already created. To update it you need specify his _rev.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding what couchdb is supposed to be doing. The following command creates document baz with an attachment named quux. Then if I try to set db['/baz/splort'] it fails because baz is already set.

>>> db['/baz/quux'] = {'testing':[1,2,3]}
>>> db['/baz']
<Document u'baz'@u'1-a3e2a2a4fd40b5f00f50a3a1f9bb3137' 
{u'_attachments': {u'quux': {u'stub': True, u'length': 22, u'digest': 
u'md5-7hE5LjA19+pF3J/DcBxEIw==', u'revpos': 1, u'content_type': u'application/json'}}}>

>>> In [38]: db['/baz/splort'] = {}
ResourceConflict                          Traceback (most recent call last)
site-packages/couchdb/http.pyc in request(self, method, url, body, headers, credentials, num_redirects)
424                 raise ResourceNotFound(error)
425             elif status == 409:
426                 raise ResourceConflict(error)
427             elif status == 412:
428                 raise PreconditionFailed(error)

ResourceConflict: (u'conflict', u'Document update conflict.')

Can you please provide a complete REPL session/script that reproduces the failure you're seeing? Your snippet above doesn't appear to provide that.

There's the additional line showing the exception.

I cannot reproduce:

>>> db = couchdb.Server().create('test-ldsaofkdsofds')
>>> db['/baz/quux'] = {'testing':[1,2,3]}
>>> db['/baz']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "couchdb/", line 338, in __getitem__
    _, _, data = _doc_resource(self.resource, id).get_json()
  File "couchdb/", line 555, in get_json
    return self._request_json('GET', path, headers=headers, **params)
  File "couchdb/", line 578, in _request_json
    headers=headers, **params)
  File "couchdb/", line 574, in _request
  File "couchdb/", line 424, in request
    raise ResourceNotFound(error)
couchdb.http.ResourceNotFound: (u'not_found', u'missing')
>>> db['/baz/splort'] = {}

Thanks. It looks like this is a consequence of my web server configuration, with CouchDB reverse proxied under a subdirectory.