djc / askama

Type-safe, compiled Jinja-like templates for Rust

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

global variables

HosMercury opened this issue · comments

hi thx for the crate effort

i have a situation that i got a hashed variables js and css names from vite build

these names should be included in the base.html head tag

the solutions i got from searching are not convenient for me.

i have read this

also it’s not convenient to share the same data again and again with each call to a template like here #535

it is the same data but changing only when i build with vite like style-ghsed4.css and script-o0k8jkl.js . i got them then i have a function to inject them but no way to call it from the template .

shared data ( global locals vars ) concept is missing from the crate afaik.

static global var => is difficult to deal with because it needs const funcs

If not a Rust static, it's not really obvious to me what you're looking for. Maybe provide a concrete example?

fn manifest(env: &String) {

    let mut entries = fs::read_dir("./public/assets")
        .map(|res||e| e.path()))
        .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, io::Error>>()

    println!("{:?}", entries);

see I want to add the CSS file I got from entries to the index.html head..

using fs with const funcs is not allowed

Well, I don't think that makes sense. You might be able to use something like a once_cell::sync::Lazy to have a static that contains what you need.

yes it helps thx