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Password Reset

john2c7 opened this issue · comments

I'm not able to login nor can I reset my password? Any help would greatly appreciated. Cheers!

I filled the password reset form with your username, you should have got an email.

I get a 500 every time I try to reset my password. Any help?

@bretthoerner I just tried and it worked fine. Could you try again? I've had issues with SES at the end of last week.

Just repeated it. To be clear, I get the email, click the link, see the password reset form. When I enter a new password I always get a 500 Error and I still can't login to my account.

I fixed the 500 error. I just went through the whole reset process and was able to login successfully with the new password after a reset.

If you could try again that'd be great.

Thank you, it worked.

Thanks for letting me know!

It seems the password reset email does not work at the moment. I checked the spam folder, and also tried multiple times.

@alesdotio I just tried and emails went through. There could be some latency with SES though…

What's your username on the site?

@brutasse neo64bit
would also appreciate it if you could change it to alesdotio if possible :)

@alesdotio done. Your email address is @ hotmail. Do you want me to set it to your gmail address?

@brutasse oohh. wow. sorry about that! all fixed now, thanks ;)