django / daphne

Django Channels HTTP/WebSocket server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

pre-commit failing

adamchainz opened this issue · comments

It looks like the pre-commit GitHub action is failing to install setuptools properly:

The action is deprecated:

I suggest we switch to using

Turns out I have permission to do this - but I don't want to just commit (heh) to it, especially since the issue I opened on Django ( django/django#15178 ) hasn't seen any response.

Any thoughts @carltongibson ?

Any thoughts @carltongibson ?


Little bit sceptical about the value-add for django/django but if you want to give it a run here, that's fine I guess. It may be a raging success and convert the sceptics.

Thanks @adamchainz

Hey @adamchainz -- shall we give this a go here, and on Channels and channels_redis? Gives us a fair taste, independently of django/django