divkit / divkit

DivKit is an open source Server-Driven UI (SDUI) framework. SDUI is a an emerging technique that leverage the server to build the user interfaces of their mobile app

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Getting issue : java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: No static field listPopupWindowStyle of type I in class Lcom/yandex/div/R$attr; or its superclasses (declaration of 'com.yandex.div.R$attr' appears in /data/app/com.tokopedia.tkpd-IDj84M0I7f-d4y5tvmWhPg==/base.apk!classes19.dex)

varun0922 opened this issue · comments

Hi guys I am getting this crash some times while scrolling and loading the components.
Can you help identify the reason ?

Stack trace :

Process: com.tokopedia.tkpd, PID: 14190
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: No static field listPopupWindowStyle of type I in class Lcom/yandex/div/R$attr; or its superclasses (declaration of 'com.yandex.div.R$attr' appears in /data/app/com.tokopedia.tkpd-IDj84M0I7f-d4y5tvmWhPg==/base.apk!classes19.dex)
at com.yandex.div.internal.widget.SelectView$PopupWindow.(SelectView.kt:91)
at com.yandex.div.internal.widget.SelectView.(SelectView.kt:34)
at com.yandex.div.core.view2.divs.widgets.DivSelectView.(DivSelectView.kt:15)
at com.yandex.div.core.view2.DivViewCreator.lambda-18$lambda-17$lambda-15(DivViewCreator.kt:66)
at com.yandex.div.core.view2.DivViewCreator.$r8$lambda$K0SPGPC2Ad7KsxuvG2cgeoYgIvo(Unknown Source:0)
at com.yandex.div.core.view2.DivViewCreator$$ExternalSyntheticLambda13.createView(Unknown Source:2)
at com.yandex.div.internal.viewpool.AdvanceViewPool$Channel.createAndEnqueueView(AdvanceViewPool.kt:121)
at com.yandex.div.internal.viewpool.ViewCreator$CreateViewTask.run(ViewCreator.kt:89)
at com.yandex.div.internal.viewpool.ViewCreator$ViewCreatorThread.createView(ViewCreator.kt:77)
at com.yandex.div.internal.viewpool.ViewCreator$ViewCreatorThread.run(ViewCreator.kt:54)

Hi! Will look at this

Thanks a lot 👍

I am using these dependencies
implementation 'com.yandex.div:div-core:28.4.0'
implementation 'com.yandex.div:div:28.4.0'
implementation 'com.yandex.div:div-json:28.4.0'
implementation "com.yandex.div:div-lottie:3.0.1"
implementation "com.yandex.div:utils:28.4.0"

Hey guys any findings on this issue :)

Hey guys any findings on this issue :)

Possible recommendations to solve the problem:

  • Make sure that an attribute named listPopupWindowStyle is not defined in application modules (it may override an attribute from the R class created for DivKit).
  • If Proguard/R8 is enabled, try disabling it and testing the application.

Closing the issue for now.
Please let us know if the problem persists even after following the recommendations. In addition to this, try updating Android Gradle Plugin, which will also update R8 version.