disjukr / croquis.js

HTML5 drawing tool library

Home Page:https://croquisjs.0xabcdef.com/example/common-brush

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Describe the packages πŸ™

dimaqq opened this issue Β· comments

There is, for example hwapan under /packages... while I can figure out that the word means "drawing board", I still have no clue what the package is for πŸ˜…

I think it would be great to describe what packages are / what they do for anyone who stumbles upon this repo :)

P.S. thanks for generous "advertising" on stackoverflow, I found this repo and I'm planning to use it in my demo / game / learning tool thing :)

sorry for making it confusing.
hwapan is not a library, it's just a painting program using croquis.js and currently wip.

if you want example code of croquis.js, it may be helpful to refer to here.