dirkwall / network_overlays

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Scripts for setup of network overlays

Steps necessary for setting up simple examples to test the following network overlays:

  • Docker Networking
  • Weave
  • Flannel (UDP mode)
  • Calico

The test were conducted with three virtual boxes on a local machine (ubuntu 15.10, 1 CPU, 2 GB RAM, bridged network interface) and docker version 1.9.1, build a34a1d5. I'm going to refer to the three VMs as vm0, vm1, and vm2. Properties, as for example the IP address of the VMs will be referred to as vm0.ip, vm1.ip, and vm2.ip respectively. I'm going to refer to containers with the name of the image they are running surrounded by [ ], e.g. [mysql], [wordpress]. Again, properties will be referred to as [imageName].property, e.g. [mysql].ip, [mysql].overlayIp.

!!! Make sure you run the setup_system.sh before attempting testing any of the overlays !!!

Setup your system

The setup_system.sh script does the following things

  • loads necessary kernel modules
  • makes sure that ipv4 and ipv6 forwarding is activated
  • installs docker
  • installs weave
  • installs etcd
  • installs flannel
  • installs calico

Docker Networking


  1. Start consul container on vm0
    vm0:$ docker run -itd -p 8500:8500 progrium/consul
  2. Stop and restart docker daemon on vm1 and vm2 with information about consul
    vm1:$ sudo docker daemon --cluster-store=consul://<vm0.ip>:8500 --cluster-advertise=<vm1.nic>:2376
    vm2:$ sudo docker daemon --cluster-store=consul://<vm0.ip>:8500 --cluster-advertise=<vm2.nic>:2376
  3. Create docker network on vm2
    vm2:$ docker network create --driver overlay my-net
  4. Start mysql container on vm2
    vm2:$ docker run -itd --net my-net -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<password> mysql
  5. Make sure the container is running
    vm2:$ docker ps
  6. Get overlay IP address from container
    vm2:$ docker exec <[mysql].name> ip a
  7. Start wordpress container on vm1
    vm1:$ docker run -itd --net my-net -e WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=<[mysql].overlayIp>:3306 -e WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=<password> -p 8080:80 wordpress
  8. Make sure the container is running
    vm1:$ docker ps
  9. Make sure [wordpress] can ping [mysql]
    vm1:$ docker exec <[wordpress].name> ping -c1 <[mysql].overlayIp>
  10. Open wordpress homepage on http://<vm1.ip>:8080



  1. Make sure no old weave containers are running on vm1
    vm1:$ weave stop-plugin
    vm1:$ weave stop-proxy
    vm1:$ weave stop-router
  2. Start weave on vm1
    vm1:$ weave launch
  3. Make sure no old weave containers are running on vm2 (see 1.)
  4. Start weave on vm2
    vm2:$ weave launch <vm1.ip>
  5. Set weave environment variable on vm1 and vm2
    vm1:$ eval $(weave env)
    vm2:$ eval $(weave env)
  6. Start mysql container on vm2
    vm2:$ docker run -itd -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<password> mysql
  7. Make sure the container is running
    vm2:$ docker ps
  8. Get overlay IP address from container
    vm2:$ docker exec <[mysql].name> ip a
  9. Start wordpress container on vm1
    vm1:$ docker run -itd -e WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=<[mysql].overlayIp>:3306 -e WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=<password> -p 8080:80 wordpress
  10. Make sure the container is running
    vm1:$ docker ps
  11. Make sure [wordpress] can ping [mysql]
    vm1:$ docker exec <[wordpress].name> ping -c1 <[mysql].overlayIp>
  12. Open wordpress homepage on http://<vm1.ip>:8080



Flannel has several operation modes (backends). This example uses the default udp backend.

  1. Start etcd on vm1 and vm2
    vm1:$ etcd -name <vm1.name> -initial-advertise-peer-urls http://<vm1.ip>:2380 -listen-peer-urls http://<vm1.ip>:2380 -listen-client-urls http://<vm1.ip>:2379, -advertise-client-urls http://<vm1.ip>:2379 -initial-cluster-token etcd-cluster-1 -initial-cluster <vm1.name>=http://<vm1.ip>:2380,<vm2.name>=http://<vm2.ip>:2380 -initial-cluster-state new > etcd.log 2>&1 &
    vm2:$ etcd -name <vm2.name> -initial-advertise-peer-urls http://<vm2.ip>:2380 -listen-peer-urls http://<vm2.ip>:2380 -listen-client-urls http://<vm2.ip>:2379, -advertise-client-urls http://<vm2.ip>:2379 -initial-cluster-token etcd-cluster-1 -initial-cluster <vm2.name>=http://<vm2.ip>:2380,<vm1.name>=http://<vm1.ip>:2380 -initial-cluster-state new > etcd.log 2>&1 &
  2. Start flanneld on vm1 and vm2
    vm*:$ sudo ./flannel/bin/flanneld &
  3. Set flannel environment variable on vm1 and vm2
    vm*:$ source /run/flannel/subnet.env
  4. Stop and restart docker daemon on vm1 and vm2
    vm*:$ sudo kill 'pgrep docker'
    vm*:$ docker daemon --bip=${FLANNEL_SUBNET} --mtu=${FLANNEL_MTU}
  5. Start mysql container on vm2
    vm2:$ docker run -itd -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<password> mysql
  6. Make sure the container is running
    vm2:$ docker ps
  7. Get overlay IP address from container
    vm2:$ docker exec <[mysql].name> ip a
  8. Start wordpress container on vm1
    vm1:$ docker run -itd -e WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=<[mysql].overlayIp>:3306 -e WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=<password> -p 8080:80 wordpress
  9. Make sure the container is running
    vm1:$ docker ps
  10. Make sure [wordpress] can ping [mysql]
    vm1:$ docker exec <[wordpress].name> ping -c1 <[mysql].overlayIp>
  11. Open wordpress homepage on http://<vm1.ip>:8080



  1. Start etcd on vm0, vm1, vm2
    vm0:$ etcd -name <vm0.name> -initial-advertise-peer-urls http://<vm0.ip>:2380 -listen-peer-urls http://<vm0.ip>:2380 -listen-client-urls http://<vm0.ip>:2379, -advertise-client-urls http://<vm0.ip>:2379 -initial-cluster-token etcd-cluster-1 -initial-cluster <vm0.name>=http://<vm0.ip>:2380,<vm1.name>=http://<vm1.ip>:2380,<vm2.name>=http://<vm2.ip>:2380 -initial-cluster-state new > etcd.log 2>&1 &
    vm1:$ etcd -name <vm1.name> -initial-advertise-peer-urls http://<vm1.ip>:2380 -listen-peer-urls http://<vm1.ip>:2380 -listen-client-urls http://<vm1.ip>:2379, -advertise-client-urls http://<vm1.ip>:2379 -initial-cluster-token etcd-cluster-1 -initial-cluster <vm0.name>=http://<vm0.ip>:2380,<vm1.name>=http://<vm1.ip>:2380,<vm2.name>=http://<vm2.ip>:2380 -initial-cluster-state new > etcd.log 2>&1 &
    vm2:$ etcd -name <vm2.name> -initial-advertise-peer-urls http://<vm2.ip>:2380 -listen-peer-urls http://<vm2.ip>:2380 -listen-client-urls http://<vm2.ip>:2379, -advertise-client-urls http://<vm2.ip>:2379 -initial-cluster-token etcd-cluster-1 -initial-cluster <vm0.name>=http://<vm0.ip>:2380,<vm1.name>=http://<vm1.ip>:2380,<vm2.name>=http://<vm2.ip>:2380 -initial-cluster-state new > etcd.log 2>&1 &
  2. Stop and restart docker daemon on vm1 and vm2 with information about etcd
    vm*:$ docker daemon --cluster-store=etcd://<vm0.ip>:2379
  3. Start calico on vm1 and vm2
    vm*:$ sudo calicoctl node --libnetwork
  4. Create docker network overlay with calico driver
    docker network create --driver calico net3
  5. Start mysql container on vm2 in overlay network
    vm2:$ docker run -itd --net net3 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<password> mysql
  6. Make sure the container is running
    vm2:$ docker ps
  7. Get overlay IP address from container
    vm2:$ docker exec <[mysql].name> ip a
  8. Start wordpress container on vm1 in overlay network
    vm1:$ docker run -itd --net net3 -e WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=<[mysql].overlayIp>:3306 -e WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=<password> -p 8080:80 wordpress
  9. Make sure the container is running
    vm1:$ docker ps
  10. Make sure [wordpress] can ping [mysql]
    vm1:$ docker exec <[wordpress].name> ping -c1 <[mysql].overlayIp>
  11. Open wordpress homepage on http://<vm1.ip>:8080



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