dirkschumacher / ompr

R package to model Mixed Integer Linear Programs

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Solution ordering in R 3.x

dkutner opened this issue · comments

I'm running into an issue where ompr 1.0.1 sorts the resulting data frame by i treated as a character in R version 3.6.2. Here x[10] should be 2 with the remaining values 1, but instead x[2] is 2. The same code in R 4.0.3 behaves as expected.

> library(dplyr)
> model <- ompr::MIPModel() %>% 
+     ompr::add_variable(x[i], i = 1:10, type = "continuous", ub = 2) %>% 
+     ompr::add_constraint(x[i] <= 1, i = 1:9) %>% 
+     ompr::set_objective(sum_over(x[i], i = 1:10))
> soln <- ompr::solve_model(model, ompr.roi::with_ROI(solver = "glpk"))
> ompr::get_solution(soln, x[i])
   variable  i value
1         x  1     1
10        x  2     2
2         x  3     1
3         x  4     1
4         x  5     1
5         x  6     1
6         x  7     1
7         x  8     1
8         x  9     1
9         x 10     1

Thanks a lot for reporting this. Will look at it asap (probably tomorrow).

Ok, the problem is due to stringsAsFactors not being explicitly set to FALSE when created the data.frame. As the CI tests only run on R 4.x, the tests did not fail. They would have failed if R 3.x was enabled.

What I will do to fix and prevent it:

  • Release a fixed version to CRAN
  • Add R 3.4 on Ubuntu as another automated testing Target.
  • Add an explicit test to {ompr.roi}.
  • At {ompr.roi} add R 3.4 as a target as well and run the tests every week, so we detect regressions that might not have been covered by {ompr} tests.
model <- ompr::MIPModel() %>% 
   ompr::add_variable(x[i], i = 1:10, type = "continuous", ub = 2) %>% 
   ompr::add_constraint(x[i] <= 1, i = 1:9) %>% 
   ompr::set_objective(sum_over(x[i], i = 1:10))
 soln <- ompr::solve_model(model, ompr.roi::with_ROI(solver = "glpk"))
 ompr::get_solution(soln, x[i])
#>    variable  i value
#> 1         x  1     1
#> 2         x  2     1
#> 3         x  3     1
#> 4         x  4     1
#> 5         x  5     1
#> 6         x  6     1
#> 7         x  7     1
#> 8         x  8     1
#> 9         x  9     1
#> 10        x 10     2

Created on 2022-01-31 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)