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Allow Unverified Users to Log In and Resend Verification Email

cdwmhcc opened this issue · comments


Describe the Improvement


Currently, during the user registration process, a verification email is sent to the user's provided email address. If the user does not receive this verification email, they are unable to proceed with any further actions within the application.


Email Delivery Failures: Users may not receive verification emails due to various reasons such as spam filters or server issues, leading to frustration and potential abandonment of the registration process.


To improve user experience and engagement, it is proposed to modify the registration and login process to allow users who have not yet verified their email addresses to log in. This adjustment will provide them with the opportunity to resend the verification email and continue exploring the application and can view restricted profiles.

Resending verification emails is currently already supported, as users with the unverified can simply register again. I do agree however, that a "Resend verification email" button would go a long way on the current register page.

As for the ability for unverified users to log in, that would require a proper feature request process as this would certainly require a few more considerations than just allowing them to log in. So please feel free to open a Feature Request


that would require a proper feature request process as this would certainly require a few more considerations than just allowing them to log in

Your consideration is correct. For unverified users, the only necessary function is the ability to resend verification emails after logging in. Other interactions with the app seem unnecessary until verification is complete.

For unverified users, the only necessary function is the ability to resend verification emails

They can do that by registering again.

after logging in

Ahh, could be a nice to have but thats a new thing. Currently unauthorized users see this screen when logging in:


Are you proposing a new message and a new button here specifically for unverified users?


Are you proposing a new message and a new button here specifically for unverified users?

Current Message and Button:

  • Title: No App Access
  • Description: This user isn't allowed to use the admin app.
  • Button: Switch User

Proposed Message and Button:

  • Title: Account Not Verified
  • Description: Please check your email to complete the verification process. If you didn't receive the email, click below button to resend it.
  • Description1: Check your email to verify your account, or resend the verification email.
  • Button: Resend Verification Email

