dingo / api

A RESTful API package for the Laravel and Lumen frameworks.

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Overriding Base Url Issue

kadircanerergun opened this issue · comments

Bug? yes
New Feature? no
Framework Laravel
Framework version 5.5.x
PHP version 7.1.x

Actual Behaviour

Im using route command to generate routes. In my local everything works fine. But in production server there is an .htaccess rule as "RewriteBase /gw"

In production server routes are generated without rewrite rule "gw".

Expected Behaviour

when use route() function url should be http://{domain}//gw/{uri}

but in my case it has been generated as http://{domain}/{uri}

What should i do to add gw without breaking the original (without htaccess rule) route method.



You are using the old issue template, please use the new one - you need to specify your dingo version.

In any case from what you describe it seems like a configuration issue on your part, either with your server config or the interplay between that and laravel/dingo config.