dingo / api

A RESTful API package for the Laravel and Lumen frameworks.

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How to completely remove dingo api from laravel project?

coilnovasince1985jenkins opened this issue · comments

As the title states, I'd like to completely remove dingo since it does not have any significant advantages comparing to a standard router, always issues with configs, prefixes, domains etc
How can I do that ? I removed all the routes but then my standard router is no longer working,
and giving me error for all the routes

    "message": "The version given was unknown or has no registered routes.",
    "status_code": 400


This sounds more like a rant than an issue. I am not familiar specifically with how to do it, but I suggest basically just do the opposite of the install instructions.

@specialtactics just think about it. How long does this package exists ? and Prefix Domain and other bugs are still exists til these days. What are the advantages of this package if its not even updated these days ?

The package should simply work properly out of the box, but its not


@coilnovasince1985jenkins if you do not wish to use the package that's fine m8, no issue, but this is not the place to rant about it :)

If you have a legitimate problem installing it, then by all means raise an issue, as far as I'm aware, there are no bugs with the domain prefix (maybe you just didn't have it configured correctly).

@specialtactics nobody is ranting dude, I'm just telling you how it is, my sincere feedback. I'm not the only one who facing this kind of stuff even though everything is configure properly) if you are not aware you can just open your issue tracker and see. In any case currently any feature that you have is officially provided by laravel, and knowing how long it takes for contributors to deliver proper updates and changes I rather use official package which has never gave me any issues and always works right out of the box ) Cheers


THanks @coilnovasince1985jenkins pretty much all the issues except a few recent ones were before I started to maintain the project, so I'm not aware of the context. I've gone through and address pretty much everything in the last year.

This is not a place to provide feedback either, that's why it's called "issues" and not "feedback".