dimsemenov / photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin

A dynamic caption plugin for PhotoSwipe v5. Automatically positions the caption aside or below the image.

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Adding a button that triggers a function onClick in Caption (pswp-caption-content)

MATTiVOLTARii opened this issue · comments

Nice Work with PhotoSwipe!
I want to include a button in the caption that executes a function when clicked. Unfortunately, the "onClick" is not being executed.

<div className="pswp-caption-content">                    
                    <button onClick={() => handlerClick()}>Click</button>                      
                        <Text size="xl" weight={700}>
                          Lorem ipsum dolor (1933)
                      Color photograph 12 x 10

Does anyone have an idea of how it could work?

The plugin doesn't do anything special when adding the content, it's just simple innerHTML https://github.com/dimsemenov/photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin/blob/main/photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin.esm.js#L247

You may try using dynamicCaptionUpdateHTML event:

const lightbox = new PhotoSwipeLightbox({
  gallerySelector: '#gallery',
  childSelector: '',

const captionPlugin = new PhotoSwipeDynamicCaption(lightbox, {
  type: 'auto',

lightbox.on('dynamicCaptionUpdateHTML', (e) => {
  console.log(e.captionElement, e.slide);


Oh, I see! Thanks! Now I understand. The elements are reset through innerHTML and are no longer connected to the original DOM, which is why my JSX onClick directive is no longer handled. Is there a workaround for that? So that the button works as it is without having to reset it through lightbox.on, or is it possible to reference this button?


You can give your button an id and handle all click events of the document / body.

In the event handler function check if the button was clicked and call the desired function.