dimsemenov / photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin

A dynamic caption plugin for PhotoSwipe v5. Automatically positions the caption aside or below the image.

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Caption not updated on gallery image change

mowabidev opened this issue · comments


I try to use the plugin in a Vue application. The gallery itself works fine. But when I try to use the caption plugin, the caption is not updated when the gallery image changes. Can you tell me how to proceed? Here is my code.

  <div id="projects" class="projects col-12 col-md-8 offset-md-2">
    <div v-for="project in projects" :key="project.id" :id="'project-' + project.id" class="project" data-aos="fade-in">
      <div v-html="project.name"></div>
        <button class="btn btn-open-pswp" :data-project="project.id" @click="initGallery">{{ lang == 'fr' ? 'Voir quelques images' : 'See some images' }}</button>

import PhotoSwipeLightbox from '../lib/photoswipe/photoswipe-lightbox.esm';
import PhotoSwipeDynamicCaption from '../lib/photoswipe/photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin.esm';
import '../lib/photoswipe/photoswipe.css';
import '../lib/photoswipe/photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin.css';

export default {
  name: 'ProjectsList',
  setup() {
    const projects = ref([]);
    const lang = document.documentElement.getAttribute('lang')

    function initGallery(e) {
      let btn = e.target
      let id = e.target.dataset.project;
      let source = [];
      fetch('/api/projects/'+ id + '/gallery')
      .then(resp => resp.json())
        let images = data['hydra:member'];
        images.forEach(image => {
          let src = {
            src: '/assets/img/projects/' + image.image,
            width: image.width,
            height: image.height,
            alt: image.name ? image.name : 'Image de gallerie',
            caption: image.caption ? image.caption : 'My text Caption'

        setTimeout(() => {

          const options = {
            dataSource: source,
            pswpModule: () => import('../lib/photoswipe/photoswipe.esm.js'),
          const lightbox = new PhotoSwipeLightbox(options);
          let captionPlugin = new PhotoSwipeDynamicCaption(lightbox, {
            // Plugins options, for example:
            type: 'auto',
            captionContent: () => {
              return lightbox.pswp.currSlide.data.caption;
          lightbox.loadAndOpen(0); // defines start slide index

        }, 500)

    onMounted(() => {
      fetch('/api/projects?lang=' + lang)
      .then(resp => resp.json())
        projects.value = data['hydra:member']

    // expose to template and other options API hooks
    return {


I don't see what's wrong at first glance, please provide a reduced test case.

Thank @dimsemenov you for your quick response.
I just created a codepen that you can find here https://codepen.io/mowabi/pen/WNzdgae.
But strangely, on the codepen, I notice that the captions change, but not with the correct images. First, for a few seconds, it maintains the same caption for all images and then they change, but do not match the images.

You're using currSlide for captionContent option, because of that nearby slides get "current" slide caption too. Should be something like:

captionContent: (slide) => slide.data.author

You are right @dimsemenov . That's the problem. But I remember using slide and it was returning slide is undefined error. I must have used it wrong. Thank you very much. It works like a charm!