dimitris-c / AudioStreaming

An AudioPlayer/Streaming library for iOS written in Swift using AVAudioEngine.

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Queued playlist only play few items then stoped. hardly play to end.

newbdez33 opened this issue · comments


It is almost 100% reproduced if there are many queued mp3 urls in queue.
I created a repo for this issue.


The basic code is queue all playlist items to player.queue()

for item in playlist {
            if let url = URL(string: item) {
                player.queue(url: url)

Sometimes it plays 2 or 3 items then stoped.
Tested main branch in iOS 14.2 Simulator and iPhone 7. (Xcode 12.2 and Xcode 12.3)

Yeap this is happening indeed, I realized it last week and started working on a fix...

Fixed in #13.