dimisik / openssl

Fork of OpenSSL that includes quantum-resistant algorithms and ciphersuites based on liboqs.

Home Page:https://openquantumsafe.org/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



OpenSSL (https://openssl.org/) is an open-source TLS/SSL and crypto library. (View the original README file for OpenSSL.)

This branch (OQS-OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable) is a fork of OpenSSL 1.1.1 (currently in sync with the OpenSSL_1_1_1c tag) that adds the following:

  • post-quantum key exchange in TLS 1.3
  • hybrid (post-quantum + elliptic curve) key exchange in TLS 1.3
  • post-quantum authentication in TLS 1.3
  • hybrid (post-quantum + elliptic curve) authentication in TLS 1.3


The Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project has the goal of developing and prototyping quantum-resistant cryptography.

liboqs is an open source C library for quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms. See more about liboqs at https://github.com/open-quantum-safe/liboqs/, including a list of supported algorithms.

OQS-OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable is an integration of liboqs into (a fork of) OpenSSL 1.1.1. The goal of this integration is to provide easy prototyping of quantum-resistant cryptography in the TLS 1.3 protocol. The integration should not be considered "production quality".

More information on OQS can be found on our website: https://openquantumsafe.org/.

Contents of branch OQS-OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable

This branch (OQS-OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable branch) integrates post-quantum key exchange from liboqs in TLS 1.3 in OpenSSL v1.1.1.

(For TLS 1.2, see the OQS-OpenSSL_1_0_2-stable branch.)

Key exchange mechanisms

The following key exchange / key encapsulation mechanisms from liboqs are supported (assuming they have been enabled in liboqs):

  • oqs_kem_default: this special mechanisms uses the liboqs's default configured scheme. This is useful to test schemes not yet directly supported by OpenSSL.
  • BIKE: bike1l1, bike1l3, bike1l5, bike2l1, bike2l3, bike2l5, bike3l1, bike3l3, bike3l5 (not currently on Windows)
  • FrodoKEM: frodo640aes, frodo640shake, frodo976aes, frodo976shake, frodo1344aes, frodo1344shake
  • Kyber: kyber512, kyber1024
  • NewHope: newhope512cca, newhope1024cca
  • NTRU: ntru_hps2048509, ntru_hps2048677, ntru_hps4096821, ntru_hrss701
  • Saber: lightsaber, saber, firesaber
  • SIDH and SIKE: sidhp434, sidhp503, sidhp610, sidhp751, sikep434, sikep503, sikep610, sikep751

Authentication mechanisms

The following signature schemes from liboqs are supported (assuming they have been enabled in liboqs):

  • Dilithium: dilithium2, dilithium3, dilithium4 (not currently on Windows)
  • Picnic: picnicL1FS
  • qTesla: qteslaI, qteslaIIIsize, qteslaIIIspeed (not currently on Windows)

The following hybrid schemes are supported, using either the NIST P-256 curve or 3072-bit RSA for L1 schemes, or the NIST P-384 curve for L3 schemes:

  • Picnic hybrid: p256_picnicL1FS, rsa3072_picnicL1FS
  • qTesla hybrid: p256_qteslaI, rsa3072_qteslaI, p384_qteslaIIIsize, p384_qteslaIIIspeed (not currently on Windows)

Limitations and security

liboqs and this integration into OpenSSL are designed for prototyping and evaluating quantum-resistant cryptography. Security of proposed quantum-resistant algorithms may rapidly change as research advances, and may ultimately be completely insecure against either classical or quantum computers.

We believe that the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography standardization project is currently the best avenue to identifying potentially quantum-resistant algorithms. liboqs does not intend to "pick winners", and we strongly recommend that applications and protocols rely on the outcomes of the NIST standardization project when deploying post-quantum cryptography.

We acknowledge that some parties may want to begin deploying post-quantum cryptography prior to the conclusion of the NIST standardization project. We strongly recommend that any attempts to do make use of so-called hybrid cryptography, in which post-quantum public-key algorithms are used alongside traditional public key algorithms (like RSA or elliptic curves) so that the solution is at least no less secure than existing traditional cryptography.

liboqs and our integration into OpenSSL is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind. See LICENSE.txt for the full disclaimer.

The integration of liboqs into our fork of OpenSSL is currently at an experimental stage, and has not received significant review. At this stage, we do not recommend relying on it in any production environment or to protect any sensitive data.

The OQS fork of OpenSSL is not endorsed by the OpenSSL project.

Proofs of TLS such as [JKSS12] and [KPW13] require a key exchange mechanism that has a form of active security, either in the form of the PRF-ODH assumption, or an IND-CCA KEM. Some of the KEMs provided in liboqs do provide IND-CCA security; others do not, in which case existing proofs of security of TLS against active attackers do not apply.

Currently, this branch supports post-quantum and hybrid (traditional + post-quantum) key exchange and post-quantum and hybrid authentication in TLS 1.3.

Lifecycle for OQS-OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable

Release cycle: We aim to make releases of OQS-OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable on a bi-monthly basis, either when there has been a new release of OpenSSL 1.1.1 or when we have made changes to our fork.

See the README.md files of liboqs for information about the algorithm lifecycle within liboqs.

TLS compatibility: The ciphersuite numbers and message formats used for post-quantum and hybrid key exchange and authentication are experimental, and may change between releases of OQS-OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable.

Building on Linux and macOS

Builds have been tested manually on macOS 10.14 (clang 10.0.0), Ubuntu 14.04 (gcc-5), Ubuntu 16.04 (gcc-5), and Ubuntu 18.04.1 (gcc-7).

Step 0: Install dependencies

For Ubuntu, you need to install the following packages:

sudo apt install autoconf automake gcc libtool libssl-dev make unzip xsltproc

For macOS, you need to install the following packages using brew (or a package manager of your choice):

brew install autoconf automake libtool openssl wget

Step 1: Download fork of OpenSSL

Clone or download the source from Github:

git clone --branch OQS-OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable https://github.com/open-quantum-safe/openssl.git

Step 2: Build liboqs

The following instructions will download and build liboqs, then install it into a subdirectory inside the OpenSSL folder.

git clone --branch master https://github.com/open-quantum-safe/liboqs.git
cd liboqs
autoreconf -i
./configure --prefix=<path-to-openssl-dir>/oqs --enable-shared=no
make -j
make install

Building liboqs requires your system to have OpenSSL already installed. configure will detect it if it is located in a standard location, such as /usr or /usr/local/opt/openssl (for brew on macOS). Otherwise, you may need to specify it with --with-openssl=<path-to-system-openssl-dir>.

Step 3: Build fork of OpenSSL

Now we follow the standard instructions for building OpenSSL.

For Ubuntu:

cd <path-to-openssl-dir>
./Configure no-shared linux-x86_64 -lm
make -j

For macOS:

cd <path-to-openssl-dir>
./Configure no-shared darwin64-x86_64-cc
make -j

The OQS fork of OpenSSL can also be built with shared libraries, but we have used no-shared in the instructions above to avoid having to get the shared libraries in the right place for the runtime linker.

Building on Windows

Builds have been tested on Windows 10 (VS2017 build tools). Make sure you can build the unmodified version of OpenSSL by following the instructions in INSTALL and NOTES.WIN.

Step 1: Download fork of OpenSSL

Clone or download the source from Github:

git clone --branch OQS-OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable https://github.com/open-quantum-safe/openssl.git

Step 2: Build liboqs

Next, you must download and build liboqs using the master branch of liboqs. The following instructions will download (using git, alternatively, download and unzip the project) and build the x64 release configuration of liboqs, then copy the required files it into a subdirectory inside the OpenSSL folder. You may need to install dependencies before building liboqs; see the liboqs master branch README.md.

git clone --branch master https://github.com/open-quantum-safe/liboqs.git
msbuild liboqs\VisualStudio\liboqs.sln /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64
mkdir openssl\oqs
mkdir openssl\oqs\lib
mkdir openssl\oqs\include
xcopy liboqs\VisualStudio\x64\Release\oqs.lib openssl\oqs\lib\
xcopy /S liboqs\VisualStudio\include openssl\oqs\include\

Step 3: Build fork of OpenSSL

Now we follow the standard instructions for building OpenSSL, for example:

perl Configure VC-WIN64A


See the liboqs documentation for information on test programs in liboqs.

TLS demo

OpenSSL contains a basic TLS server (s_server) and TLS client (s_client) which can be used to demonstrate and test SSL/TLS connections.

To run a server, you first need to generate a X.509 certificate, using either a classical (rsa), post-quantum (picnicl1fs, qteslaI, qteslaIIIsize, qteslaIIIspeed, dilithium2, dilithium3, dilithium4), or hybrid (p256_picnicl1fs, rsa3072_picnicl1fs, p256_qteslaI, rsa3072_qteslaI, p384_qteslaIIIsize, p384_qteslaIIIspeed) algorithm. The server certificate can either be self-signed or part of a chain. In either case, you need to generate a self-signed root CA certificate using the following command, replacing <SIGALG> with one supported algorithm:

apps/openssl req -x509 -new -newkey <SIGALG> -keyout <SIGALG>_CA.key -out <SIGALG>_CA.crt -nodes -subj "/CN=oqstest CA" -days 365 -config apps/openssl.cnf

If you want an ECDSA certificate (<SIGALG> = ecdsa), you instead need to use:

apps/openssl req -x509 -new -newkey ec:<(apps/openssl ecparam -name secp384r1) -keyout <SIGALG>_CA.key -out <SIGALG>_CA.crt -nodes -subj "/CN=oqstest" -days 365 -config apps/openssl.cnf

The root CA certificate can be used directly to start the server (see below), or can be used to issue a server certificate, using the usual OpenSSL process (note that for simplicity, we use the same algorithm for the server and CA certificates; in practice the CA is likely to use a stronger one):

  1. The server generates its key pair:

     apps/openssl genpkey -algorithm <SIGALG> -out <SIGALG>_srv.key
  2. The server generates a certificate request and sends it the to CA:

     apps/openssl req -new -newkey <SIGALG> -keyout <SIGALG>_srv.key -out <SIGALG>_srv.csr -nodes -subj "/CN=oqstest server" -config apps/openssl.cnf
  3. The CA generates the signed server certificate:

     apps/openssl x509 -req -in <SIGALG>_srv.csr -out <SIGALG>_srv.crt -CA <SIGALG>_CA.crt -CAkey <SIGALG>_CA.key -CAcreateserial -days 365

To run a basic TLS server with all OQS ciphersuites enabled, run the following command, replacing <SERVER> with either <SIGALG>_CA or <SIGALG>_srv:

apps/openssl s_server -cert <SERVER>.crt -key <SERVER>.key -www -tls1_3

In another terminal window, you can run a TLS client requesting one of the supported ciphersuites (<KEXALG> = one of the key exchange mechanisms listed above) or the hybrid ciphersuites (p256-<KEXALG>, only the NIST p256 curve in combination with L1 PQC KEM schemes are supported for now):

apps/openssl s_client -curves <KEXALG> -CAfile <SIGALG>_CA.crt -connect localhost:4433

Integration tests

Integration tests are available under the oqs_test directory; see the README.md for details on how to run the tests locally.


Follow these steps to add additional key exchange and signature algorithms from liboqs.

One goal is to minimize the OQS footprint into the OpenSSL code, to improve readability. Therefore, some redundant code is implemented using macros to avoid creating functions and registering them in OpenSSL.

Adding a key exchange algorithm

The TLS 1.3 key exchange integration is done at the TLS layer (start looking in ssl/statem/extensions_(clnt,srvr).c). It would have been nice to integrate in the crypto EVP layer, but it wasn't possible given the asymmetric nature of the KEM API (genkey, encrypt, decrypt) and the lack of role context when the Diffie-Hellman EVP functions are invoked.

We use a templating system to generate code related to the specific algorithms we have. Adding a new key exchange algorithm from liboqs means simply adding metadata to oqs_template/generate.yml, then running python3 oqs_template/generate.py.

Adding an authentication mechanism

To add a new algorithm with OID :

  1. Define <NEWOID> in crypto/objects/objects.txt and crypto/objects/obj_xref.txt, add <NEWALG> to crypto/objects/obj_mac.num, incrementing the last NID value, and run make generate_crypto_objects to re-generate objects-related files (obj_dat.h, obj_mac.num, obj_mac.h)
  2. Run grep -r ADD_MORE_OQS_SIG_HERE and add new code following the example of other OQS schemes.


All modifications in the open-quantum-safe/openssl repository are released under the same terms as OpenSSL, namely as described in the file LICENSE.


The Open Quantum Safe project is led by Douglas Stebila and Michele Mosca at the University of Waterloo.


Contributors to open-quantum-safe/openssl branch OQS-OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable include:

  • Christian Paquin (Microsoft Research)
  • Dimitris Sikeridis (University of New Mexico / Cisco Systems)
  • Douglas Stebila (University of Waterloo)


Financial support for the development of Open Quantum Safe has been provided by Amazon Web Services and the Tutte Institute for Mathematics and Computing.

We'd like to make a special acknowledgement to the companies who have dedicated programmer time to contribute source code to OQS, including Amazon Web Services, Cisco Systems, evolutionQ, and Microsoft Research.

Research projects which developed specific components of OQS have been supported by various research grants, including funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC); see the source papers for funding acknowledgments.


Fork of OpenSSL that includes quantum-resistant algorithms and ciphersuites based on liboqs.




Language:C 78.1%Language:Perl 19.1%Language:C++ 1.1%Language:Assembly 0.6%Language:Objective-C 0.6%Language:Shell 0.3%Language:M4 0.2%Language:Python 0.0%Language:eC 0.0%Language:DIGITAL Command Language 0.0%