Dimibe / erc20-trading-bot-ts

Trading bot for erc20 tokens

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Trading Bot

Crypto trading bot which trades erc20 token pairs.

⚠️ Warning:

This project is only a pure hobby project, which came up through my interest in trading strategies and the used tech stack. The bot is not used by me and the reliability and chances of success of the strategies has not been tested in any way.


  • Node and npm/yarn installed
  • A websocket (wss) url to a provider is needed. Either register online for one or host a local node.
  • A polygon wallet is needed with matic for the fees and the configured stable token (usdc as default).

Getting started

  • Open the secrets.json in the src/config folder and fill in the provider url and your private key.
  • Run yarn start / npm run start to run the bot.


Configurations can be made in the file src/config/options.json.

Following options are available:

Name Function Default
strategy The strategy which the bot should use Grid Trading
simulationMode If true no swapps will be actually made true
slippage Change from price in % to buy token 0.1%
maxGwei The max gwei used for a transaction 80 gwei
gasLimit Gas limit 250000
coinName Name of the network coin Matic
coinDigits Digits of the network coin 18
stableToken Address of the stable token USD Coin address
tradeToken Address of the traded token Wrapped Matic address
pairAddress Address of the stable/traded token pair USDC/WMATIC pair address
routerAddress Address of the router/DEX Quickswap address
refreshTime Time in milliseconds the price is refreshed 1000
logLevel Can be either 'info' or 'debug' debug
serverPort The port were the server runs on 3000
strategies Options for the different strategies -


Grid Trading

Name Function Default
range min and max price in which the bot trades 2.05 - 2.65
totalBuyPower Total amount to invest 1000$
gridMargin Size of grids in percent 0.5%
rebalance Currently not implemented true
How it works
  • The bot calculates number of grids in the range.
  • The bot calculates the initial grid and buys initial tokens.
  • Whenever the price falls one grid the bot buys and when the price goes up one grid the bot sells.
  • Note: The total buy power is divided by the number of grids.
  • So if the gridMargin is to small the trade amount will be very small.
  • If the grid margin is in contrast to big, the bot can't gain profit from small fluctuations.


Name Function Default
maxTrades maximum number of trades the bot executes 50 trades
buyPower Buy power in $ per trade 10$
dropBeforeBuy Price drop required before buy 0.1%
How it works
  • The bot observes the quickswap swaps of the usdc/wmatic pair.
  • If wmatic price goes down, the bot buys wmatic for a defined buying power.
  • The bot caluculates a wmatic price which will lead to a (minimal) gain.
  • If the calculated sell price is reached, the bot swaps back the wmatic for usdc.
  • Then the steps are repeated.

Implement your own strategy

Crteating a strategy is very simple. Just follow these steps:

  • Create a class for your strategy
  • Add options for your strategy if needed
  • Add your strategy to the bot so it can be used

Create a strategy class

  • First go in the src/strategies folder an create a class for your strategy.
  • Implement the Strategy interface. It will provide 3 functions.
  • The init(conversion: number) function is called once at startup.
  • The priceUpdate(conversion: number, priceChange: number) function is called whenever the price of your trade pair changes.
  • The orderLiquidated(order: Order) function is called when one order is executed.

Make a trade

If you want to make a trade in your strategy you first need to create a Order. A order can be created like this:

let order = new Order(OrderType.BUY, buyPower, limit);

After that you can either execute the order directly with


or add it to the order book in case you've added an limit to your order.


In case the order is added to the order book, after the order is executed the orderLiquidated(order) function in your strategy is called.

In both cases the order will be edited after execution and the amountOut and transactionHash fields will be filled.

A complete example:

let sellOrder = new Order(OrderType.SELL, tradeTokenBalance);
orderBook.executeOrder(sellOrder).then((order: Order) => {
    console.log(`Order executed, got ${order.amountOut} out`);

Add the class to the bot

All you need to do is to extend the getStrategy() function and add your strategy.

function getStrategy(): Strategy {
  switch (options.strategy) {
    case 'gridTrading':
      return new GridTrading(options.strategies.gridTrading);

The final step is to add strategy options to the options.json file and change the stategy option to your strategies name.


Trading bot for erc20 tokens


Language:TypeScript 100.0%