dimaslanjaka / hexo-seo

Automated Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Hexo

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Installer hexo-seo error and protocol package git is using ssh

wangshuai-007 opened this issue · comments

npm ERR! code 128
npm ERR! A git connection error occurred
npm ERR! command git --no-replace-objects ls-remote ssh://git@github.com/kevva/url-regex.git
npm ERR! fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/kevva/url-regex.git/': Failed to connect to github.com port 443 after 21121 ms: Timed out

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:

the log file is like this

2875 timing idealTree:fixDepFlags Completed in 71ms
2876 timing idealTree Completed in 541736ms
2877 timing command:i Completed in 541758ms
2878 verbose stack Error: A git connection error occurred
2878 verbose stack     at makeError (C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v18.10.0\node_modules\npm\node_modules\@npmcli\git\lib\make-error.js:24:13)
2878 verbose stack     at C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v18.10.0\node_modules\npm\node_modules\@npmcli\git\lib\spawn.js:37:26
2878 verbose stack     at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
2879 verbose cwd D:\学\Hexo\xxxx-blog
2880 verbose Windows_NT 10.0.19044
2881 verbose node v18.10.0
2882 verbose npm  v8.19.2
2883 error code 128
2884 error A git connection error occurred
2885 error command git --no-replace-objects ls-remote ssh://git@github.com/kevva/url-regex.git
2886 error fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/kevva/url-regex.git/': Failed to connect to github.com port 443 after 21121 ms: Timed out
2887 verbose exit 128
2888 timing npm Completed in 542178ms
2889 verbose unfinished npm timer reify 1665471408891
2890 verbose unfinished npm timer reify:loadTrees 1665471408908
2891 verbose code 128
2892 error A complete log of this run can be found in:
2892 error     C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\npm-cache\_logs\2022-10-11T06_56_48_486Z-debug-0.log

can you change ssh to http in your extension?

i will fix it soon

if you still troubled on github protocol, you can overriden it with

git config --global url."https://github".insteadOf ssh://git@github

above command should overriden global config to using https protocol first before ssh

I am in China, It is not easy connect to github and npm registry.

for the command:

git config --global url."https://github".insteadOf ssh://git@github
npm config set registry https://registry.npm.taobao.org

I still got erro :
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/kevva/decompress.git/': OpenSSL SSL_read: Connection was reset, errno 10054


fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/dimaslanjaka/js-prototypes.git/': Could not resolve host: github.com

So ,I try
Use TUN Mode for clash.

Now ,I can install success.

You can download master branch of this repo, then place it to folder ex packages/hexo-seo, then you can install with npm i file:./packages/hexo-seo for offline usage

now were using static tarball. no more github ssh conflict.
