dillonkearns / elm-review-html-to-elm

Turn HTML into Elm. With support for elm-tailwind-modules.

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Incorrect Tailwind classes produced

synalysis opened this issue · comments

When converting a TailwindUI module I noticed three problems.

<button type="button" class="dark:md:bg-slate-800/75 dark:md:hover:bg-slate-700/40 dark:md:hover:ring-slate-500 [.dark[data-theme=system]_&amp;]:block [[data-theme=light]_&amp;]:block"></button>

        [ Attr.type_ "button"
        , css
            [ Tw.
            , Tw.
            , Bp.[.dark[data-theme=system]_&]
                [ Tw.block
            , Bp.[[data-theme=light]_&]
                [ Tw.block
            , Bp.dark
                [ Bp.dark
                    [ Tw.bg_slate_800over75

There are three issues:

  • missing Tailwind classes
  • Bp.dark twice instead of Bp.dark and Bp.md
  • [[data-theme=light]_&] can't be processed to valid Elm code

Here's a case that produces invalid Elm code (found in https://tailwindui.com/components/marketing/sections/content-sections):
<div class="lg:[overflow-anchor:none]"/>
results in

        [ css
            [ Bp.lg
                [ Bp.lg
                    [ Tw.none]

Hey @synalysis, thanks for reporting the issue. I've been pairing with @matheus23 on some changes to make elm-tailwind-modules more Tailwind V3-friendly (matheus23/elm-tailwind-modules#16).

That will make the API generate a module for the color and opacity theme. That will change the generated code here. I'll have to update this codebase to support generating code for that new design (parameterized color and opacity values). I thin that will be a good opportunity to also add in support for generating Tailwind V3-style arbitrary values (this is a new tailwind feature).

Hey @synalysis, thanks for reporting the issue. I've been pairing with @matheus23 on some changes to make elm-tailwind-modules more Tailwind V3-friendly (matheus23/elm-tailwind-modules#16).

That will make the API generate a module for the color and opacity theme. That will change the generated code here. I'll have to update this codebase to support generating code for that new design (parameterized color and opacity values). I thin that will be a good opportunity to also add in support for generating Tailwind V3-style arbitrary values (this is a new tailwind feature).

Great, just wanted to provide you some potential input for unit tests...

Here's a case with the most recent version:
<div class="space-x-12"/>
is transformed to

        [ css
            [ Tw.space_color Theme.x_12

However, there's no such thing as a space_color.

Here the "auto" attribute is transformed incorrectly:
<img class="h-8" src="x.svg" alt="" width="auto"/>

        [ css
            [ Tw.h_8
        , Attr.src "x.svg"
        , Attr.alt ""
        , Attr.width auto