diimallya / k8-ansible-playbooks

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This git repository demonstrates Ansible playbooks to create kubernetes objects in Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster.


  • Install Ansible

  • To create k8 objects ansible k8s modules is used. This is part of ansible package. It is not included in ansible-core. Make sure the kubernetes.core collection is installed be running below command:

    ansible-galaxy collection list

  • Install it using the command:

    ansible-galaxy collection install kubernetes.core

  • The module has following requirements. These need to be installed as well:

    • python >= 3.6
    • kubernetes >= 12.0.0
    • PyYAML >= 3.11
    • jsonpatch

Playbook execution

By default k8s module uses the cluster details available in kubeconfig file present at ~/.kube/config. Hence login to the cluster using oc login command or kubectl login before executing the playbook.

To create K8 objects - Namespace, Pod and a Deployment in the cluster run the following playbook:

ansible-playbook k8-demo-deployment.yaml

To delete all the K8 object created, run the following playbook:

ansible-playbook k8-demo-undeploy.yaml
