digitalservicebund / postgres-forward-pod

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Postgres Forward Pod

Set up a forwarder-pod

This will create a new pod with the sole purpose to connect to the database via port forwarding from local to this pod:

export NAMESPACE=...
# either your name or the context/purpose of your action, e.g. migration.
export SUFFIX=...
# find this value either in the database configuration in Argo CD or via inspecting the output of 'kubectl -n $NAMESPACE describe configmap'
export DATABASE_HOST=...
# default for postgres is 5432, but could be something else
export DATABASE_PORT=...

# cd into this repository

# create the pod
envsubst < manifest.yaml | kubectl apply -n $NAMESPACE -f -

# port mapping example: 5000:5432
kubectl port-forward postgres-forward-pod-$SUFFIX <local-port>:<remote-port> -n $NAMESPACE

Connect to the database

Now you need to retrieve the username and password to access the database via the forwarded port:

# see available secrets
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get secret
# use the desired secret name to retrieve it
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get secret <secret-name> -o jsonpath='{.data}'

This gives you something like: {"db.password":"","db.user":""}, which now needs to be decoded:

echo "<db.user>" | base64 --decode
echo "<db.password>" | base64 --decode
# note that the last "%" is not part of the decoded string

Now you have the credentials and can connect to the database by using the UI in IntelliJ or via command line:

# 'brew install postgresql' if you don't have psql yet
# example for local-port from above: 5000
PGPASSWORD=<password> psql -U <username> -h localhost -d <databasename> -p <local-port>

Shut down the forwarder-pod

Once you are done, it's important you remember to shut down the pod you created:

envsubst < manifest.yaml | kubectl delete -n $NAMESPACE -f -

Why using a forwarder-pod?

The command kubectl port-forward can only connect to pods. The other option to connect by a service is used as a pod selector and does not connect to a service at all. Therefore port-forwarding does not work with services of type ExternalName or by using a combination of Serviceand EndpointSlice. For details see the following sources:

Everything put together in the script

All the steps above are combined into the script

For each database to forward a separate config file with the following variables must be created:


To start port forwarding run ./ example-database.cfg up.

To end port forwarding run ./ example-database.cfg down.

If you run ./ without any parameter it does not only show usage information but also lists all processes identified as port forwards.


License:MIT License


Language:Shell 100.0%