digitaldomain / QtPyConvert

An automatic Python Qt binding transpiler to the abstraction layer.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


mottosso opened this issue · comments

Hey @Ahuge,

About the name, considering there is another project with a very similar name, the difference being letter case and a missing dot - versus qtpy - do you think it would make sense to call this project Convert, or the like? Granted is a tricky name to add suffixes too..

Some ideas.

  • Qt.conv
  • Qt.all
  • Qt.pyconvert

Not confident either of these are better, just thought I'd bring it up for discussion before any official announcements of the project (at which point it'd be a shame to change it!)

Yeah I'm not glued to the name, open to suggestions.

Let me ping @digitaldomain/core and see if anyone has input.

Talked to the team, we see the value in being more specific in the project name, however we are mentioning both in the description and in the top of the readme that it is for so I don't think it'll be too big of a deal?

Plus personally I feel that adding a dot makes it pretty unwieldy pretty quick.

I can add a disclaimer noting that it is not the spyder project if you think it's necessary.

Up to you. It's just something that stood out to me, but I'm probably overthinking it.