digitalbazaar / bedrock-express

Bedrock express module

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reconsider default `jsonErrorLevel` setting

mattcollier opened this issue · comments

We have a well established pattern of using asyncHandler and throwing errors within handlers with the expectation that those errors would be handle by the error handling and logging functionality here:

Currently the jsonErrorLevel config is based on the NODE_ENV. If NODE_ENV is set to production, no errors are logged. =
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'none' : 'full';

We set the NODE_ENV to production in all of our docker containers.

This result is errors produced by bedrock-health and other modules not being reflected in the error logs making it difficult to troubleshoot issues in a production environment.

See: digitalbazaar/bedrock-health#3

I will be submitting a PR that sets jsonErrorLevel = 'full'; as a default without any conditional related to NODE_ENV.