diginex / gwallet

gwallet is a minimalistic and pragmatist opensource lightweight crossplatform brainwallet for people that want to hold the most important cryptocurrencies in the same application with ease and peace of mind

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Should support "ethereum:" URL scheme

knocte opened this issue · comments

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 0.38 ETH (49.96 USD @ $131.48/ETH) attached to it.

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 9 months, 2 weeks from now.
Please review their action plans below:

1) janus has been approved to start work.

I have started off , and would push my commit after morning discussion

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of this issue was increased to 0.64 ETH (88.6 USD @ $138.44/ETH) .

@janus Hello from Gitcoin Core - are you still working on this issue? Please submit a WIP PR or comment back within the next 3 days or you will be removed from this ticket and it will be returned to an ‘Open’ status. Please let us know if you have questions!

  • reminder (3 days)
  • escalation to mods (6 days)

Funders only: Snooze warnings for 1 day | 3 days | 5 days | 10 days | 100 days

@janus Hello from Gitcoin Core - are you still working on this issue? Please submit a WIP PR or comment back within the next 3 days or you will be removed from this ticket and it will be returned to an ‘Open’ status. Please let us know if you have questions!

  • reminder (3 days)
  • escalation to mods (6 days)

Funders only: Snooze warnings for 1 day | 3 days | 5 days | 10 days | 100 days


@janus Hello from Gitcoin Core - are you still working on this issue? Please submit a WIP PR or comment back within the next 3 days or you will be removed from this ticket and it will be returned to an ‘Open’ status. Please let us know if you have questions!

  • reminder (3 days)
  • escalation to mods (6 days)

Funders only: Snooze warnings for 1 day | 3 days | 5 days | 10 days | 100 days


@janus Hello from Gitcoin Core - are you still working on this issue? Please submit a WIP PR or comment back within the next 3 days or you will be removed from this ticket and it will be returned to an ‘Open’ status. Please let us know if you have questions!

  • reminder (3 days)
  • escalation to mods (6 days)

Funders only: Snooze warnings for 1 day | 3 days | 5 days | 10 days | 100 days


@janus Hello from Gitcoin Core - are you still working on this issue? Please submit a WIP PR or comment back within the next 3 days or you will be removed from this ticket and it will be returned to an ‘Open’ status. Please let us know if you have questions!

  • reminder (3 days)
  • escalation to mods (6 days)

Funders only: Snooze warnings for 1 day | 3 days | 5 days | 10 days | 100 days

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

@janus due to inactivity, we have escalated this issue to Gitcoin's moderation team. Let us know if you believe this has been done in error!

  • reminder (3 days)
  • escalation to mods (6 days)

Funders only: Snooze warnings for 1 day | 3 days | 5 days | 10 days | 100 days

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 0.64 ETH (174.11 USD @ $272.04/ETH) has been submitted by:

  1. @janus

@knocte please take a look at the submitted work:


@owocki , I have submitted my work for more than 4 months now, and I have also reached out to the funder. But he has not done anything that could lead to the closing of this. This has limited me from participating in other open bounties. Please help me get the funder to act, or get me paid so that my labour would not be in vain.

@knocte can you pls payout/respond to the PR? thanks.

The PR (in GitLab jargon called MR) doesn't even pass CI so it's unacceptable.


Where is the CI? What kind of question is this Emeka? By now you should already know that CI means the gitlabCI jobs that are created in the MergeRequest.


Ah ok, sorry. I guess I forgot about this because the MR is really old. These days those integration tests are disabled so if you rebase the MR the CI will become green.

Nonetheless, now I start to remember that this MR was blocked on a different thing, that we discussed offline (in chat, instead of the MR). I'll double check this.

I'll double check this.

Double-checked, and added a comment about this in the MR.


The issue you posted out is not about the task but the structure you want
your code base to take .

It's not about structure, it's about compatibility. The wallet can be run with Mono 4.6.x (the one that Ubuntu bundles), Mono 6.x (the official stable version that you can get in macOS and in Ubuntu if you use Microsoft apt sources) and Microsoft.NET. If you hardcode a path to an assembly that only exists in Mono 4.6.x then the wallet will crash in Windows (because of using MS.NET instead of Mono), and in OSs where Mono 6.x is used (macOS and Ubuntu when using Microsoft apt repositories). We cannot merge an MR that would make the wallet crash. As simple as this.


I would ask for abstraction team to take over this issue.

I don't know what you mean by "abstraction team" but yeah sure, be my guest, I invite everyone to check out the MR and my comments and how it needs a rebase, etc.


You are programmer , and why opening such gotcoin ticket if your code base
can't accept such .

This sentence doesn't make any sense to me.


hey all; lets take a day off from this issue. ill broker a mutually acceptable solution after we take some tim eoff to brethe


im giving it a couple days to cool off. im going to circle back after that.


@owocki ,
Please circle back. Justice delayed is justice denied.

@janus i told you i was on it; please stop harassing me with reminders every several days, and thereby implying that you distrust that i will get back to you. i said i would circle back and i will. meantime, please take some ownership of reigning in your confrontational tone, which got you into an argument with the funder and us into a situation in which i needed to step in in the first place.


⚡️ A tip worth 0.19000 ETH (39.75 USD @ $209.22/ETH) has been granted to @janus for this issue from @owocki. ⚡️

The sender had the following public comments:

i am funding half of the reward for this contributor for their effort/time here. if anyone else wants to cover the other half be my guest

Nice work @janus! Your tip has automatically been deposited in the ETH address we have on file.

Repo moved to GNOME's gitlab, so moving this issue to here: https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/geewallet/issues/67