digideskio / uber-rush

UberRUSH API SDK for Node.js

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uber rush sdk

Node.js SDK for the UberRUSH API. Make deliveries without ever leaving your CLI.


You'll need a client ID and a client secret from Uber. Additionally, you'll want to test in the UberRUSH sandbox before you start using the API to move couriers around the world.

  1. Register at https://developer.uber.com
  2. Create a new app
  3. Enable the delivery sandbox
  4. Copy your client ID and secret
  5. npm install uber-rush

Included in the package is an example script which will simulate delivery--you just need to enter your keys to try it out.

A note on the sandbox

When in sandbox mode, no courier is dispatched. To test integrations, changing delivery statuses may either be simulated by you directly, by calling delivery.updateStatus(<new-delivery-status>);, or automatically by the SDK using the simulate truthy configuration parameter. If simulate is a number, it will be used as the interval in milliseconds between order status updates.

(If simulating yourself, you must call each delivery status in proper order.)

Getting started

Step 1: Initialize the SDK

Before making API calls, you must initialize the SDK with your app's ID and secret.

const UberRUSH = require('uber-rush')
const UberRUSHClient = UberRUSH.createClient({
    client_secret: YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET,
    client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID,
    sandbox: true // No couriers will actually be called if set

Step 2: Get a quote

Every delivery starts with a quote. Initialize a new delivery with

  • a description of the item to be transported
  • the pickup and the dropoff addresses
  • (optionally) contact information at the pickup and drop off locations

configured in a plain old JavaScript object:

  var delivery = UberRUSHClient.createDelivery({
      item: {
          title: 'Chocolate bar',
          quantity: 1,
          is_fragile: true
      pickup: {
          contact: {
              first_name: 'Ryan',
              last_name: 'Cheney
          location: {
              address: '64 Seabring St',
              city: 'Brooklyn',
              state: 'NY',
              postal_code: '11231',
              country_code: 'US'
      dropoff: {
          contact: {
              first_name: 'Karen',
              last_name: 'Holmes
          location: {
              address: '80 Willoughby St',
              city: 'Brooklyn',
              state: 'NY',
              postal_code: '11201',
              country_code: 'US'

Sending the quote out for an estimate returns a promise for an array of rush.Quote objects:

.then(function(quotes) {
	console.log('Received ' + quotes.length + ' quotes:');
	for (var i = 0; i < quotes.length; i++) console.log(quotes[i]);
	console.log('Delivery quote error:',error);

Step 3: Confirm the quote

The first quote in the array will be the best quote for the job. Confirming the delivery will start a courier on her journey (unless you're in the sandbox) so be sure you're ready! Before you confirm delivery, it's a good idea to subscribe to a few events in order to track the courier's progress.

Uber requests that we only check status every 30 seconds. If you're trying to keep up with your courier on a map, that's a slow update cycle--by default we only fire status update events on the same schedule.

delivery.on('status', function(status) {
	// fired every time the delivery status changes (see below)
	console.log('Delivery status: ' + status)
delivery.on('location', function(location) {
	/* location: {latitude: ..., longitude: ..., bearing: ...} */
	console.log('Courier location', location); 

Event details

Delivery status

Delivery status is a string.

delivery.on('status', function (status) {
	console.log('Delivery status: ' + status);
// Prints (e.g.): Delivery status: processing

Possible statuses:

  • processing: The delivery request is being processed.
  • no_couriers_available: The delivery request timed out with no couriers available.
  • en_route_to_pickup: A courier has been assigned and is en route to the pickup location.
  • at_pickup: The courier is at the pickup location.
  • en_route_to_dropoff: The courier has picked up the item and is en route to the dropoff location.
  • at_dropoff: The courier is at the dropoff location.
  • completed: The delivery has been successfully completed.
  • client_canceled: This delivery was canceled by merchant request.
  • returning: The courier is returning the delivery to the pickup location.
  • returned: The delivery has been successfully returned to the pickup location.
  • unable_to_deliver: Catch­all reason if courier is unable to deliver.
  • admin_ended: An administrator manually terminated this delivery from the UberRUSH console.

Delivery ETAs

Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) is expressed as an integer number of minutes from now. UberRUSH provides two ETAs: dropoff_eta (how long until the dropoff is projected to occur), and pickup_eta (how long until the courier will be picking up the item). These estimates are updated automatically throughout the delivery process; whenever that happens, these events are fired.


delivery.on('dropoff_eta', function(eta) {
	console.log('The dropoff time is now estimated to be in ' + eta + ' minutes');

delivery.on('pickup_eta', function(eta) {
	console.log('Your item will be picked up in approximately ' + eta + ' minutes');

Delivery location

Once a courier is dispatched, you can track their current location via the location event. It emits a plain old object with latitude and longitude.

delivery.on('location', function (location) {
	console.log('Delivery location: ' + location);

Sample location:

		latitude: 55.0, 
		longitude: -2.0, 
		bearing: 39, // courier's last bearing in radians

API reference


The core of the UberRUSH SDK, a Delivery is required to get a quote and dispatch a courier.

Initialize the Delivery with pickup and dropoff information (a Contact person in each location, and a Location).

var Delivery = UberRUSHClient.createDelivery({
	pickup: {
		contact: Contact, /* see below */
		location: Location /* see below */
	dropoff: {
		contact: Contact, /* see below */
		location: Location /* see below */
	order_reference_id: /* (optional) your own order number for tracking */



Requests a quote from the UberRUSH API. Returns a promise for an array of Quote objects.

Even if you're completely price-insensitive, UberRUSH requires a quote before initiating delivery. Thus, this is always the first step to calling a courier.


.then(function(quotes) {
	console.log('Received ' + quotes.length + ' quotes:');
	for (var i = 0; i < quotes.length; i++) console.log(quotes[i]);
	console.log('Delivery quote error:',error);

Begins the delivery process (presuming you have a quote).

Valid options:

  • quote_id: (optional) ID of the quote you'd like to use to place this order (defaults to the first quote returned by Delivery.quote)
  • order_reference_id: (optional) internal order number to pass along to the courier (defaults to an empty string)

Emits a number of Events upon confirmation:

  • dropoff_eta
  • pickup_eta
  • status

Throws an error if the UberRUSH API won't confirm your delivery.


delivery.quote().then(function () {
	try {
		delivery.confirm({order_reference_id: 'CB0023'});
	} catch (e) {
		console.error('Could not begin delivery',e)

Adds an Item to an order.


	title: 'Chocolate bar',
	quantity: 1,
	is_fragile: true
delivery.setDropoff({contact: Contact /* optional */, location: Location /* optional */})

Updates the dropoff with a new Contact and/or Location. Cannot be set if delivery is in progress. Example:

	contact: Contact, // see below
	location: Location // see below
delivery.setPickup({contact: Contact /* optional */, location: Location /* optional */})

Updates the pickup with a new Contact and/or Location. Cannot be set if delivery is in progress.


	contact: Contact, // see below
	location: Location // see below

Adds a note, displayed on the courier's app, about special instructions for this delivery. Cannot be set if delivery is in progress.


delivery.addSpecialInstructions("Always ring twice");

If true, or unset, requires signature on receipt. Cannot be set if delivery is in progress.


delivery.requireSignature(); // signature is required
delivery.requireSignature(false); // signature is not required
delivery.requireSignature(true); // signature is required


Represents the location a courier will be traveling to, as a regular street address. The API will determine its latitude and longitude for you.

Initialization parameters:

  • address: The top address line (e.g., 64 Seabring St)
  • address_2: (optional) The second address line (suite number, C/O, etc)
  • city: The city (e.g., Brooklyn)
  • state: The state expressed as a two-letter code (e.g., NY)
  • postal_code: ZIP code
  • country: Two-letter country code (e.g., US)


var UberRUSH = require('uber-rush');
var loc = new UberRUSH.Location({
	address: '64 Seabring St',
	city: 'Brooklyn',
	state: 'NY',
	postal_code: '11201',
	country: 'US'


What the courier will couriering.

Initialization parameters:

  • title: The name of the item.
  • quantity: The number of this item.
  • width: (optional) The width of the item in inches.
  • height: (optional) The height of the item in inches.
  • length: (optional) The length of the item in inches.
  • price: (optional) The price of the item.
  • currency_code:(optional) The currency code of the item price. The currency code follows the ISO 4217 standard.
  • is_fragile: (optional) Defaults to false.


var UberRUSH = require('uber-rush');
var item = new UberRUSH.Item({
  title: 'chocolate bar',
  quantity: 1,
  is_fragile: true

Full example

const UberRUSH = require('uber-rush');

const UberRUSHClient = UberRUSH.createClient({
    client_secret: YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET,
    client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID,
    simulate: true

var delivery = UberRUSHClient.createDelivery({
    item: {
        title: 'Chocolate bar',
        quantity: 1,
        is_fragile: true
    pickup: {
        contact: {
            first_name: 'Ryan',
            last_name: 'Cheney'
        location: {
            address: '64 Seabring St',
            city: 'Brooklyn',
            state: 'NY',
            postal_code: '11231',
            country_code: 'US'
    dropoff: {
        contact: {
            first_name: 'Karen',
            last_name: 'Holmes'
        location: {
            address: '80 Willoughby St',
            city: 'Brooklyn',
            state: 'NY',
            postal_code: '11201',
            country_code: 'US'

.then(function(topQuote) {
    console.log('Got quotes', topQuote);

    delivery.on('status', function(status) {
        console.log('delivery status updated: ' + status);
    delivery.on('location', function(loc) {
        console.log('delivery location updated: ', loc);



Contributors welcome. Say hi!


  • Offer courier path extrapolation snapped to Google Maps best bike route
  • Create mock server for offline integration


LatLon library (c) Chris Veness 2002-2015


UberRUSH API SDK for Node.js

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%