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Wiki: Smart Bulb

Sineos opened this issue · comments

I stumbled over https://github.com/digiblur/Tasmota/wiki/Smart-Bulbs#rgbw-lights-4-channel-lights because this is exactly what I'm searching. Unfortunately the used white_* are all deprecated in current HA versions.
Do you happen to know how to do this in todays HA? Many thanks in advance

Most of that is probably deprecated now and some content will move to the new website at digiblur.com as it is wiki style in a better format. I would just use the Tasmota HA integration as it is all automatic now.

Thanks for your comment.
Maybe my fault but the Tasmota HA integration is not doing what I would like to:

  • Default integration creating separate switches for the color channel and the white channel.
  • I would like to have both controls under one entry, e.g. color-picker for the color and slider to set. My current implementation in Node Red looks like this


I have not managed to get this done in HA. I'd appreciate any pointer.

You can do the split thing with Tasmota and split each channel into separate lights. I think that is Setoption37 or something near that, I don't use it too often to keep it fresh in my memory.

This is exactly the point. I did this in Tasmota because I want to be able to control the white and rgb channel separately. The tasmota side works nicely but I cannot get the HA side to display the device similar to the screenshot above.

The https://github.com/digiblur/Tasmota/wiki/Smart-Bulbs#rgbw-lights-4-channel-lights example does exactly this but seems to use deprecated functions. Now I'm looking to achieve exactly this in "modern" HA but I'm failing sofar.

You would probably have to do some advanced mqtt template stuff to accomplish this. Not sure I understand the use case here as you can control each channel via Tasmota or mqtt without it split using color channel commands.

I'll try to figure it out. Likely I'm more the Node Red guy than HA. YAML and Jinja feels like, I'd shoot my own foot.
Anyway, thanks for your input. Appreciated.